davidji's Blog

davidji's Blog

Manifesting Your Dreams


“Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.”

-Albert Einstein

“Ask and you shall receive; seek and you shall find; knock and the door shall be opened.” Luke 11:9

Yes Spiritual Warriors! We’ve arrived at the final step in our month of Setting our Course – manifestation…knocking…the step that moves you from good intentions to the unfolding of your destiny.

We’ve walked through the critical steps of 1) letting go of what no longer serves us; 2) gaining clarity on what we want; 3) planting seeds in the fertile soil of our heart & now we need to 4) lean in the direction of our dreams as we let go of outcomes.

This is the birthing part of the manifestation process that we have been cultivating since my first blog of the year. We are coming down the home stretch of 2013 and where we are right now becomes the platform…the foundation for every seed that’s birthed in 2014.

You have your dreams and visions – you’ve set your intentions…and now it’s times for reflection and asking the core question, “What will it take? What trait – what skill set – what divine quality will I need to awaken to shift me from where I am to where I want to be?”

This requires honesty and your willingness to shine a bright light on all the shadowy areas of your life. Through honest reflection, we are able to see what we need and don’t have right now. This is where you get to awaken the sleeping god or goddess that rests within. This is where you get to invoke your divine archetype to help you:

  • Break out of being stuck,
  • Find your next gear, and
  • TAKE the step

And it is TAKING THE STEP that keeps the motion and momentum flowing so that your manifestation process unfolds with greater grace and ease. When we drift our attention on awakening our archetype to support us in taking the step, then we are not alone…we are not leaping into the void by ourselves…we are not in blame mode or complaint mode. Cultivating archetypes over the past decade has allowed me to consistently manifest skills, characteristics, traits, and qualities in my life that I didn’t know were there. But they were – they were simply dormant so I was unaware.

Once I surrendered – in a challenging moment – to birthing my inner Winston Churchill, my inner Hillary Clinton, my inner Alicia Florrick, my inner Deepak Chopra, my inner Lebron James, my inner Thich Naht Hahn, my inner Arianna Grande, my inner Suze Orman, my inner Thor, my inner Louise Hay… it was then that my growth trajectory expanded and my manifesting reached new heights.

Before you go into silent meditation today and every day for the next week, ask yourself this question, “Who can help me move from where I am to where I want to be?”

Identify a challenge in each of the five realms – physical, emotional, material, relationship, and spiritual – and call upon the quality that would help you overcome it. Then call upon archetypal figure, person in your life (living or dead), mythical character, or “rockstar” that resonates with you. And then breathe that person into your awareness, invite them into your very being, and live your actions as if they were a part of who you are.

By awakening the god or goddess in your womb – you will expand your sense of self, find new qualities that you didn’t even know you had, and cultivate the best version of you. Join me today on LIVE! from the SweetSpot or in person at Set Your Course this January (link) and we’ll shift our lives from where we are to where we want to be. In the meantime, I’ll see you in the gap! Peace. -davidji


Upcoming events!

Set Your Course for 2014!
January 23-26

Masters of Wisdom and Meditation Teacher Training
March 17-23

Discovering Your Dharma
April 3-6

Secret’s of Meditation Healing Immersion
May 8-11

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