Hello, Spiritual Warrior! I’m so glad that you are here.
Today we are going to discuss the five ways that we create suffering – these are known as the Kleshas, or five obstacles / five poisons. And by knowing what causes suffering, we have the key to unlock the thoughts and behavior patterns that create the suffering in the first place!
Let’s start with the first Klesha – The Ego. The ego exists because we have separated from our true, divine essence – the spirit within that is eternal. When we remember that separation is an illusion, we can get a sense of the bigger picture of life and loosen the reins on our egoic image. I love to use the mantra Aham Brahmasmi – I’m One With the Universe – to remind myself of my divinity.
Next up we have Confusing Permanence and Impermanence. If we can remember that spirit is the only thing that is truly permanent in this world, it frees us to remember that nothing ever truly dies. Einstein’s quote that “energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed” is a wonderful reminder that there is an evolution to everything seen and experienced here on earth, and that there is an eternal backdrop behind it all. I like to use the mantra Ayam Atma Brahman – which means my soul and the universal spirit are the same thing.
The next two obstacles work hand-in-hand with one another – Attachment and Aversion. When we get attached to things, we get scared about losing them. And yet we must remember that change is the only constant in life. And the opposite side of this is aversion, which is when we deny the things we don’t want. Yet if we allow ourselves to lean into the things that cause us discomfort or that create fear for us, it loosens its grip and ends up having less power over us.
And the final cause of our suffering? Fear of Death. Everything distills down to this – I give some good examples of this in the video.
And finally, I’d like to remind you to look at the good in all things – so I invite you to bring to mind FIVE THINGS that you are GRATEFUL for RIGHT NOW. Life is so wonderful when we choose to look at the gifts that it brings us versus focusing on our suffering.
I wish you peace, joy and love today and always.
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Namaste. -davidji & Peaches the Buddha Princess