davidji's Blog

davidji's Blog

Letting Love In

“Who, being loved, is poor?” -Oscar Wilde

Dear Spiritual Warriors: As September moves into its final week, it’s important that we acknowledge that we have done some powerful work this month. We spent a week moving through change – that was pretty interesting! Then we allowed ourselves to awaken to the large and small miracles in our life. Last week we found our voice – stepping into our power and finally being heard. And this week, we let love in.

This has been an amazing month for me as well. I connected with thousands of meditators throughout Europe as Secrets of Meditation was released in Danish, Russian, and Dutch; I spoke to throngs of spiritual seekers at the Happinez Festival in the Netherlands; spent transformational time with active Dutch Special Forces & retired marines helping them release stress in their lives; partnered with Yog Sundari in London as we guided an amazing group of souls to one-ness; and this week, I’m in the midst of my Masters of Wisdom & Meditation Teacher Training with 15 dedicated yogis looking to take their lives to the next level. We are nestled in at the Meditation Nest, meditating at sunrise, practicing yoga on the beach as we breath sweet ocean air, and studying the wisdom of the masters, whileTibetan bowl master Damien Rose transports us on magnificent shamanic healing journeys, I feel deeply blessed.

Masters of Wisdom & Meditation Teacher Training
Masters of Wisdom & Meditation Teacher Training

And in the midst of so much travel and activity, it can be challenging to let love in – to keep an open heart while one is on deadline, meeting obligations, coordinating the present moment and the week ahead. We’ve all been there – so let me share my mindset so you can more easily Let Love In – especially amidst the swirl.

1) Step one is being in the present moment – cultivating a meditation practice. One can’t really be in touch with love or lead with love if you are not present.

2) We make more nourishing choices when we are living from our heart. Check out this week’s video (LINK) for details on how to make better choices through heart-based consciousness.

3) If we can choose YES a bit more than we have been – essentially accept a few more words, people, and experiences into our life, we things we have been resisting and rejecting, we will experience a profound business shift et, if we can share some of the magnificent benefits of this powerful practice

4) Is there a better way to live life other than in gratitude? I have not yet found it. When we live life with an open heart, we receive more of what we are seeking.

Weaving these four steps into our awareness will allow you to live a more heart-centered existence and experience deeper fulfillment. Are you ready to let love in? This week, let’s make a commitment to let love & miracles flow with greater grace and ease. Say YES to life & love!!!

Here’s to a week of letting love in!!! peace. –davidji

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