davidji's Blog

davidji's Blog

Let’s Step Away From Less-Than Thinking – Poverty Consciousness

Hello Spiritual Warrior!

While it’s easier said then done, when we step away from less-than thinking we open ourselves to a vast infinity of abundance consciousness. Poverty consciousness is a mindset that focuses on perceived limitation, also known as less-than thinking. Poverty consciousness – along with fear – can be self-imposed or is projected on us by what we read, hear, and see.

But that’s not who we are! 

“The Divine Principle of Infinite Flow has taught us that we are open conduits for the magnificent flow of the abundant cosmos. We are divinely designed to experience the most expanded, un-constricted, ever-evolving, and Universal aspects of our Self that are pregnant with possibilities.”
– Sacred Powers by davidji 

step away from less-than thinking poverty consciousness quote

Whenever you sense you are feeling separate from the divine flow of the Universe or thinking with a poverty consciousness mindset, remind yourself that making choices from an abundance mentality starts with trust. You may have feared trust in the past; but from this moment forward, let’s commit to gently stepping away from poverty consciousness and less-than thinking, and begin to shift into gratitude mode. 

So, how do we begin? I like to start of my morning meditation with a gratitude practice. Once I get settled, and Peaches nestles into my lap, I close my eyes and ask myslef these questions:

  1. What am I grateful for?

  2. Who am I grateful for?

The key: I don’t answer. I simply ask the questions. No forcing, no expectations, I only trust that the answers will come and then flow back out. Sometimes, no answers come – that’s OK. Then, I seamlessly move into my regular meditation. 

Remember that the benefits of meditation, the intentions we set during meditation and the questions we ask ourselves, are not revealed during meditation. They manifest outside of our meditation practice in the real world. That’s where we see the action. 

The truth is that the infinite Universe rests within you and you are the perfect expression of the Divine Principle of Infinite Flow.

step away from less-than thinking poverty consciousness pictureWhen we are trusting, we can make choices from an abundance mentality rather than a poverty consciousness. Remember, embrace the unknown, and I’ll see you in the gap!

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Namaste. -davidji & Peaches the Buddha Princess


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