“Only one thing is more frightening than speaking your truth, and that is not speaking it.”
~Naomi Wolf
Hello sweet Meditators!!!! And welcome to our third week of September…where we’ve already moved through change, awakened to miracles…and this week we empower ourselves to Find Our Voice.
Not so easy sometimes amid all the other voices (inside & outside) that are speaking to us and for us. Right? A question I am frequently asked is, “How can I tell if the voice I’m hearing is the divine whisper of the universe or simply my ego?”
So often we drive ourselves crazy over where the voice is coming from, or with such maddening questions as, “Whose voice is it anyway?” “Is it my authentic voice?” and “How can I let my voice be heard through the choir of voices that surround me each day?” To me, these feel like distractions in the true quest to unveil our voice.
As you know, I believe there are many paths to one-ness and certainly many paths to finding your voice in a given moment. So many of us live lives of quiet desperation – deferring our dreams or using the excuses of time, money, or others as why we aren’t expressing our unique gifts or our special talents. To cut through the swirl, so you can most effectively find your voice, here are Seven Steps to Finding your Voice. Use one, all, or any combination of the seven to spark your voice:
1 – Accept that you have a unique & special voice that is pregnant with possibilities…as the divine universe sweeps into you with each breath, give permission to the four unique parts of your being – your mind, body, heart, & spirit. Open these magnificent gifts and see how they can be applied to your life right now.
2 – Regularly spend time in stillness and silence – at least 15 minutes each day so you can quiet the fluctuations of your mind and ease the emotional turbulence in your life. From that stillness, the answers will come.
3- Cultivate your ability to listen to the world around you. Daily meditation leads to heightened awareness. What angers you? What makes you cry? What gives you hope? What gets you passionate? What gets your motor running? Listen to your emotions throughout the day and feel what moves you.
4- Tap into your passion overlap! Bubbling below our surface, are our own personal desires to love with passion, to live with passion, to learn with passion, and to add value to the moment – to contribute passionately. So where’s your voice? Identify the overlap between those four desires and you’ll find the seed of your voice!!!!!
5- Get really objective. See yourself from another perspective. Take out your journal & write about yourself in the third person. Look at yourself as you would a character in a book and write about what inspires that person and how they will make a mark on the world. When you’ve been writing for a bit – flip it around, make the character yourself, and see how your voice unfolds.
6- After you’ve meditated or been in stillness and silence for a few minutes, place your hand on your heart and ask: “Where am I holding back?” “In what instances am I biting my tongue?” “Where could I speak up a bit more?” “Where could I step into the unknown with a little more power?” IF I KNEW I COULD NOT FAIL…what would be my baby step?”
7- If someone really believed in you…saw your strengths…validated your gift…and could support your dream – then what? Listen to your heart. And go do that!!! Find a teacher, a mentor, a confirmer, and a coach.
Often we believe that time or money are the impediments for fulfilling our dreams or finding our voice, but in reality we fear we will not live up to our vision or worse – THAT WE WILL. So take baby steps…start where you are…and give yourself permission to speak from your heart. Remember, all the answers rest within. Be gentle. And come from a place of stillness and silence. And let your voice be heard!!!!!!!!! Peace. -davidji