davidji's Blog

davidji's Blog

Discovering Your Dharma Guided Meditation

In many Eastern philosophies, there is a term for purpose in life – known as dharma (pronounced dar- mah), which comes from the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit and literally means “pillar” — that which upholds. There are hundreds of definitions for this word which is now part of our lexicon thanks to a TV show that aired in the late 90s called Dharma & Greg… but going back a few thousand years, dharma referred to the fundamental laws that govern and sustain the universe. So in a sense when we look for purpose and meaning, we are seeking the pillar that will uphold our life – the foundation from which all actions flow. According to these ancient teachings, every being on the planet has a unique gift or a special talent that creates his or her path of purpose. This talent of ours allows us to touch others or heal others or help others or serve others.

Enjoy this week’s meditation! Peace. -davidji

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