davidji's Blog

Dharma Weekend Guided Meditation

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tumblr_mt8bsvkPEV1re200oo1_1280–Shel Silverstein

Mantra: Om Dharma Namah

Dharma is the principle that elevates, stabilizes, and sustains the order of the universe. If you can align yourself more closely with the universe, it can aide you in your journey to discovering your dharma. Today’s meditation will help you awaken greater clarity in unfolding your unique gifts and special talents. Then spend the rest of the weekend asking yourself, “How can I help?” “How can I heal?” “How can I serve others using my unique gifts and my special talents?”

Want to add this to your personal meditation library? Download it here. 

Still discovering what your true purpose in life is?
Join me for my dharma workshop. It would be my honor to light your path.
