davidji's Blog

“destressifying” Is Here! Choose Happiness!

Hello Spiritual Warrior! Welcome to another issue of The Source – where we transcend our constrictions & elevate our strengths.

Today is the official release of my newest book: destressifying – The Real-World Guide to Personal Empowerment, Lasting Fulfillment, and Peace of Mind.

I am deeply grateful for your support over the past year as I was writing destressifying, and over these past few weeks while the book was in pre-sale mode. Thank you for keeping the energy flowing between us and for helping make destressifying a best-seller!

The book is now available in digital format & paperback on amazon.com; and additionally as an audiobook on hayhouse.com. Autographed copies are available exclusively on davidjinew.wpenginepowered.com.  If you haven’t yet added destressifying to your personal library, I encourage you to select the format that most resonates with you. ORDER YOUR COPY TODAY!

The wisdom buy winstrol contained in destressifying has proven to be a powerful success tool for high achievers (maybe that’s you!); so feel free to share the teachings with that special person in your life – or indulge yourself & spark your life to the next level!!!

Stepping into Happiness

This edition of The Source contains a powerful teaching to help you transcend the illusion of Fear & step into happiness. F.E.A.R. False. Evidence. Appearing. Real. – is simply a projection of what the future may hold. A guess. A wish. A moment where we believe we are clairvoyant.


Blocking our happiness

And yet we block our happiness when we hold our fears to be real. They freeze us. They frighten us. They hold us back from moving forward. They hold us in this fantasy world where we believe that what we’ve made up will indeed come to pass. They are as real to us as anything that’s actually happened.

But they are the darkest pieces of our imagination. They are the inventions of the part of us that does not trust. And so we repeat them like affirmations over and over in our mind until they harden like concrete. And even though they may never come to pass, we hold onto them with deep faith, so that if they do happen, we prove ourselves right and if they don’t come true, we have become so fixed on them that we are blind to the beauty that does unfold.

“destressifying is a fountain of resources for attaining mastery over your emotions & your life!” –Frank Elaridi, Emmy Award-winning journalist & author of The Enlightened Barista
Click here to read more!

Our natural state is one of happiness!! Yet, fear obscures the opportunity that sits right before us. Fear colors every thought that has the potential to sprout into magnificence. As the Buddha said, “All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we create our world.”

And when we convince ourselves that what we want to happen won’t and what we don’t want to happen will, then we turn our back on happiness & become a victim of our fantasies.

Happiness is a Choice

But we are better than that. We are stronger than that. We are more capable and blessed than we give ourselves credit for – and when we surrender to fear it is because we don’t trust. We don’t trust in the divine…we don’t trust our choices…and we don’t trust ourselves to make right decisions. There is a struggle within each of us where the worst possible scenario battles the best possible scenario for attention in a given moment. But happiness is a choice! And we must remind ourselves that we have a choice in each moment…that we can choose the best outcome or the most painful outcome. And whatever we end up choosing, will become the seed for the next moment, hour, or rest of our day – and ultimately the rest of our life!!!

“davidji is a master teacher who illuminates a better way to be human.” –Shawn Achor, New York Times best-selling author of The Happiness Advantage
Click here to read more!

Through the daily practice where we use the tools of destressifying – meditating, choosing positivity, connecting with our true needs, mastering our emotions, communicating consciously, & living with purpose – we can align with our own innate pure, perfect, wholeness where we can make choices without the conditioned negativity of our past. We can make choices from an abundance mentality rather than a poverty consciousness. We can direct our thoughts to the land of pure potentiality instead of the place of limiting beliefs.

Strutting our way into happiness

And so when we find ourselves questioning our judgment. When we hear the voice in our head telling us we are less than or not worthy, we need to know that the word TRUST can be re-configured into STRUT! And that’s how we step into our Power…by giving yourself permission to strut, to believe again, to open our heart to the possibility that whatever negativity you can dream up is False. Evidence. Appearing. Real. and can easily be offset by a positive internal conversation.

Simply use the mantra, “When I let go of who I am, I become who I might be” and you will find yourself trusting more, dying to the past, and STEPPING into your power. How about we try it just for the week. Send me an email with a fear you are working on right now and let’s see if we can replace it with your new vision, your new dream. A new you that is ready to STRUT and create your new world.

Please share this message with as many people as you’d like to help!!! In the mean time, order your copy of destressifying & let’s do it together!!!

Peace. -davidji

dji & peaches