davidji's Blog

Breathing in Abundance: 18-Minute Guided Meditation


Hello Spiritual Warrior,

Today, let’s turn our attention to all of the things that are currently limiting us. 

It’s time for a guided meditation to awaken our Abundance Consciousness.

Remember that all of our limitations are self-created and self-directed, and the best part is that we get to choose to make a shift with any self-imposed limiting beliefs we are currently working with. 

Allowing that shift to happen will impact your life in an infinite number of ways – physical, emotional, material, and so many more.

When we make a shift and move our energy to the possibilities that are always surrounding us – into abundance consciousness – the possibilities continue to blossom and bloom.

When we don’t see all that life offers, it narrows our view, and holds us in the space of limiting, fear-based beliefs.

But why is it that we sometimes feel a lack, when we know deep down that we live in a space of infinite possibilities?

This question is a big one.

The antidote to limited thinking is to find gratitude and count all of the blessings that we do have, versus spending our attention and energy where we believe we have lack.

To start this meditation, I’ll have you think of three things you are grateful for.

Let’s take some time to reconnect to the flowing, abundant, unlimited aspects of ourselves.

This is a practice of tonglen – energy exchange:

Breathe in gratitude, exhale constriction. 
Breathe in power, exhale fear. 
Breathe in this present moment, and let go of the past. 
Breathe in silence, and exhale chatter. 
Breathe in abundance, and release constriction. 

In this meditation, we will use the mantra Sat Chit Ananda – Truth, Knowingness, Bliss.

Feather your nest and settle in, making space for an abundant world to show itself to you!

Sending love,

– davidji


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