“Transform the world, by transforming yourself.” – davidji
Hello Spiritual Warriors!!! And welcome to another opportunity to explore & share the magnificence of timeless wisdom together. This week, we immerse into one of the oldest healing systems on the planet – Ayurveda – pronounced eye – yur – vey-dah.
Ayurveda, literally the “wisdom of life,” offers us a unique lens to view our life and how we individually express the universal components of existence.
According to Ayurveda, everything that flows within us and everything that flows outside of us is comprised of five master elements – space, air, fire, water, and earth. Notice how these elements flow from the lightest…the most subtle expression of life – (space) to the heaviest…the most dense – (earth). As the process moves from space to air to fire to water to earth – we see & feel the increase in form, shape, weight, and structure.
Ayurveda teaches us that everything in existence is a blend of these five master elements. So that means every person, every animal, every corner of the planet, every aspect of your daily life…has space, air, fire, water & earth inherent in its make-up.
This intermingling of all five elements determines the energetic flow in every moment…in every conversation…in every interaction…in every interpretation & in every expression. Some moments carry more space, while others are fiery, and others are earthy. By being mindful in each moment – and that comes from having a daily meditation practice – we can learn volumes about how & why we act the way we do, what elements are abundant or scarce in a given moment, and how to balance ourselves – bring us back to our natural state of balance.
For the past 12 years I have studied Ayurveda with some of the most brilliant teachers of this ancient wisdom, trained thousands in the Perfect Health LifeStyle methods, and most recently written my very first Ayurvedic opera – Journey to Infinity – a wild 2 hours of mantras, meditations, and transformational music featuring my dear friends & collaborators, the sound healing duo – SacredFire. This November in Tulum, we’ll perform an exclusive series of private evening concerts as we connect to the sweet magic of the Mayan Riviera in Mexico – so check it out & join us for a bucket-list week as we explore the 5 realms of your life, meditate together, practice yoga, and discover the ancient Mayan ruins in a magical setting. Our new album will be released in two weeks and you can pre-order and save $3 whether you buy the CD or download the mp3 version. Check out samples here!
Watch today’s video on Ayurveda to better understand the master elements and what they mean in your life; and join me this week on LIVE! from the SweetSpot on Hay House Radio and we’ll take it deeper (and take your calls).
In the meantime, don’t forget to register FOR FREE for the Hay House World Summit, which starts in just a few days. Keep it real, keep meditating, and I’ll see you in the gap!!! Peace. -davidji