“When you look at where you are right now in your life– ask yourself, “What is my purpose?” Look at your unique abilities… your special talents and see how you can help others using them. Most likely THAT’S your purpose for the time being. Remember, your dharma will continue to evolve throughout your life.” -davidji
Hello Spiritual Warriors! This week we explore the timeless question, “Am I Living My Dharma?”In many Eastern philosophies, there is a term for purpose in life – known as dharma or dhamma. The word dharma (pronounced dar- mah) comes from the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit and literally means “pillar” — that which upholds. There are hundreds of definitions for this word which is now part of our lexicon thanks to a TV show that aired in the late 90s called Dharma & Greg… but going back a few thousand years, dharma referred to the fundamental laws that govern and sustain the universe. So in a sense when we look for purpose and meaning, we are seeking the pillar that will uphold our life – the foundation from which all actions flow.
According to these ancient teachings, every being on the planet has a unique gift or a special talent that creates his or her path of purpose. This talent of ours allows us to touch others or heal others or help others or serve others. Each year, I offer a discover your dharma workshop for those who want to explore and awaken their purpose with me in the SweetSpot.
Throughout our life, what we think is our purpose or our dharma may change, shift, transform, and evolve. Maybe the vision of what you’re trying to accomplish doesn’t change but the methodology does. For example, maybe you were very athletic as a child and that was a way for you to express your unique God-given talent. But it’s a few years later and you’re not so limber anymore. Maybe now you express that by writing about sports, or by broadcasting, or by sharing your insights, or by coaching, teaching, or practicing yoga. Maybe you are helping others achieve that same level of fulfillment you once experienced. And so the same vision is there but through a different methodology. When you’re doing that one thing that you love to do -the activity that feels so right- that you feel it’s what you were put on earth to do, you’ll know it. Time stands still, you’re filled with joy, filled with happiness, you’re deeply fulfilled, and when you’re expressing that divine gift, the expression of that special talent takes you into the oneness, into bliss.
When you look at where you are right now in your life– ask yourself, “What is my purpose?” Look at your unique abilities… your special talents and see how you can help others using them. Most likely THAT’S your purpose for the time being. Remember, your dharma will continue to evolve throughout your life.
Maybe you thought you were living your purpose but you lost your job or left it for some reason. And now you feel clueless, anxious, or hopeless. That’s because most likely…you are pointing at external forces when the solution rests within. So first you must heal your heart – you must nourish your core needs of love, belongingness, attention, affection, appreciation, and acceptance. Dharma can wait until you are feeling confident and more connected to your inner voice. Whether or not you have the dream job, you still have the tools to center yourself and follow your passion. The answer rarely rests outside. You know the saying, “Happiness is an inside job.” Once you feel more secure emotionally, then your purpose in life will begin to unfold.
In the meantime, keep unfolding your dharma & I’ll see you in the gap! Peace. -davidji