davidji's Blog

February Week 4 – Always Do Your Best


“None but ourselves can free our minds.”
― Bob Marley

Always Do Your Best – and Meditate
So here we are in week 4 of our immersion into the fusion of the Four Agreements & Secrets of Meditation. If you are already impeccable with your word, don’t take things personally, don’t make assumptions, and always do your best…well your life is pretty much perfect and the rest is easy…you just need to meditate. But these five practices are ongoing daily learnings. Each day, one of them will suddenly present itself to you as an opportunity to grow, to love, to expand your sense of self and the way you flow into the world.

I believe that if we start our day in stillness and silence then every thought, word, and action will come from a more unconditioned place. Meditation is the key…the core…the foundation of any spiritual practice because it allows us to step into the now with grace and ease. And then these other principles will unfold more organically.


Guided meditations can help you get a foothold – they can help you work through issues and challenges; they can help you understand how and why you do things; they can help you to get calmer and more relaxed…but once you have that…spending even five minutes DOing nothing will give you a starting point for true unfoldment.

The fourth agreement is ALWAYS DO YOUR BEST. This may seem easy on a first read…but then why would we have regrets or grievances with ourselves or judgments. It’s because we often say to ourselves “If only I had…” and that is where we get stuck in the quicksand of “woulda, coulda, shoulda.” That is why meditation is so important. It gives us a re-set…a re-boot of our internal operating system. It allows us to come from a space of pure, unconditioned, perfection (at least our most divine self as we express god through our words and deeds).

If we commit to always giving something our all, then there is little to regret after the fact. I did my best – I didn’t phone it in. I did my best – I didn’t speak sloppily or act casually. I did my best – I wasn’t lazy. I did my best – I gave it my all. I did my best – I demonstrated courage. I did my best – I learned from my mistake. I did my best – I let go of the outcome and now I will do my best on something else.

Showing up enthusiastically is 99% of all achievements. The other 1% is execution. Just like a heat-seeking missile that constantly corrects its path as it heads to its target and then makes micro-corrections every second so it can refine its trajectory – we have the same opportunity with each breath we take to show up…and then refine our execution. Each moment, dying to the past and showing up fully present to do our best. If we meditate, and connect with the principles that resonate with us, then our lives will continue to blossom and bloom. We are never stuck. We always have the opportunity to shift our lives from where they are to where we’d like them to be.

Join me today on Hay House Radio where we will go deep on ALWAYS DOING OUR BEST and we will connect with tens of thousands around the world to awaken our most divine self. If you’re looking for a jumpstart, visit my 40 free guided meditations on the Winter Feast for the Soul and please share them with those in your life so they can dip their toe into the magnificence of their own stillness.

In the meantime, let’s go deep; let’s celebrate four weeks of learning to master the four agreements; and let’s meditate together!!!! I’ll see you in the gap! Peace. -davidji



40 Day Feast Guided Meditations!
40 Day Feast Guided Meditations!