davidji's Blog

Feeling Good Enough – Tips on Healing from Limiting Beliefs

Hello Spiritual Warrior! This week we are exploring limiting beliefs and why we sometimes feel like we’re not “good enough”.

As we begin this self-exploration, I was drawn to ask you a few questions:

  • “What are you afraid of?”
  • “What are you really afraid of?”
  • “What are the reasons you play small?”
  • “Why don’t you speak your voice?”
  • “Why are you making excuses?”
  • “Why do you hold yourself back from chasing your dreams?”
  • “Convince yourself not to take the bold step?”

feeling good enough

Most likely it’s your limiting beliefs that are making you feel like you’re not “good enough.” And, we all have them. Even the most successful people struggle with self-limiting beliefs and questioning their worthiness – they are just carrying different ones than you and me. It all comes down to our FEAR. Maybe it’s fear of being judged, not measuring up, having your heart broken, or not being included. Or maybe it’s the most basic fears of not meeting the Four Needs of the Heart: attention, affection, appreciation and acceptance. We need to know those needs WILL be met… we want them… we crave them… but we don’t want anyone else to know we fear that they wont be met.

These fears limit us from living at our highest level. These fears and the belief that we are not “good enough” keep us playing small in the game of life. When we believe the lies we tell ourselves, we embed them into our being, into our very essence. And in a weak moment, we live our life from them and cannot see beyond the lens of fear, doubt, insecurity and unworthiness.

I’ve grouped our more popular limiting beliefs into seven categories:

1. I can’t be fully authentic.
I’m not good enough – I’m afraid of being found out. I’m afraid I will disappoint those around me. I can’t show the world who I really am because they’ll judge me in a harsh or unkind way. This leads you to hiding your talent, being afraid to fail & never taking that leap of faith into the unknown in order to pursue your deepest driving desire.

2. I’m not loveable.
My dream partner will see how unattractive I really am. I’ve been burned before. I won’t risk opening my heart to love again because most likely no one will show up. (& if they do, they’ll quickly learn the truth.) This false, limiting belief keeps us single, alone, friend-less, and isolated because we are so afraid that we are not “good enough” to be loved by others, so instead, we push people away.

3. I’m not worthy.
I wont put myself out there because no one will notice me & if they do, I’m afraid of being turned down or rejected & ultimately judged as being a poser. This fear is also known as “Imposter Syndrome”. Somehow someone will find out that you are just “faking it ’till you make it”. But in reality, we are all just making it up as we go, but with time, practice, and persistence, you can become the expert in your field. This is exactly what I tell my Masters of Wisdom & Meditation Teachers-in-Training.

4. I’m not strong enough to be self-sufficient.
I won’t make requests of others or ask for favors because if I get rejected, I’ll appear needy or even worse – NEEDY. I rather do things by myself, for myself, and without the help of others. This limiting belief will keep you stuck and anytime you want to move forward, it will be an uphill battle. As humans, we thrive in communities and networks. We work best by dividing the labor between other skilled individuals. Life becomes SO MUCH EASIER when you are willing to ask for help.

5. I’m not abundant.
The wealth of the universe is for others – it doesn’t include me. Those who look for greater riches are greedy, don’t understand karma, or aren’t spiritual. I can’t even count that high. How could I ever achieve that? I’m not that kind of person — I’m fine exactly where I am in life – I don’t need more success, so I’m not going to reach beyond where I am. This is POVERTY CONSCIOUSNESS – it will keep you broke, lacking opportunities, and make you feel like you will never be “good enough” to true wealth.

6. I’m not smart enough.
I didn’t go to Harvard or Oxford… Only those who have a fine academic pedigree can achieve. I can’t dream big because I wont attain my dreams – and that would announce to the world, that I don’t measure up. You will never feel good enough, smart enough, beautiful enough, or anything else if you are constantly comparing your skills and attributes to other people. The best thing to do in know what you have, OWN IT, LOVE IT, ACCEPT IT, & be the best you can be with exactly what you have.

7. I’m not valued.
I’m just a peon. People wont cherish my trust so I can’t trust them (& if I do, they will betray me). If you resonate with this limiting belief, take time to discover why you are not placing value on yourself. You teach other people how to treat you by the way you treat yourself. And as Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “A man [or woman] is what [s]he thinks about all day long”. Choose the thoughts you have about yourself wisely and with intentional forethought.

These keep us constricted, playing small, and not showing up as the best expression of ourselves. AND YET, there are also so many times throughout the day when we step into our power. Trust in the universe. Embrace our highest expression. And own our impact. This is when life feels effortless, aligned, easy, full of trust, grace, and ease.

So, how do we move beyond our limiting beliefs??? The answer is courage. Having the courage to trust that the universe will deliver us to exactly where we need to be. And trusting ourselves to take the leap and show up to make that happen.

We need to risk our heart; risk looking like a fool; risk being told “no”… you will never feel fulfilled, accomplished, successful, loved, or abundant without RISK. And this is natural. The good things in life like falling in love and financial abundance, require risk, chance, a little fear, and the willingness to TRUST.

When you notice you are having one of those limiting belief moments, take a long slow deep breath in and ask yourself, “Is this limiting belief really true?” Sit with the answer for a few minutes, and then remind yourself… aham brahmasmi, baby! I am the universe!

In the meantime, remember to like, subscribe, and share to keep your ripple flowing in our community!!! Sending you peace, love and health. Be well.

Namaste. -davidji & Peaches the Buddha Princess
