Welcome to this week’s edition of The Source!!
Every thing in this sweet existence of ours is energy – every word, thought, sound, view, physical sensation… our responses to the world around us, our actions and our interactions. Every text, bark, email, churchbell, whisper, gaze, breath, car engine, rainbow, All the ripples of nature -from the warmth of the sun, the blowing of the breeze, the waves in the ocean, the changing of the leaves, the light from the stars in the night sky… and it goes on and on. Everything is energy.
Each day, we wake up, and – for most of us – we see what the world has in store for us. As moments unfold, conversations take place, interactions transpire, and surprises appear, we get a sense that we are tiny specs in a giant universe – and that somehow the world happens to us. That life just comes at you in random surges. But that is an illusion. Actually, the entire universe rests inside of you and all of your experiences in this life have been subtly co-created by you – whether or not you were paying attention. Yes, the thoughts you have, the words you say, and the actions you perform have a power unto themselves and have stealthily led you to this exact moment.
Most of us are not aware of our innate ability to impact the world around us. We aren’t sure how to live each moment with deeper purpose. We have no clue of how to guide our life to higher levels of fulfillment and happiness. But the amazing truth is that for thousands of years, individuals who have understood & harnessed the power of their ripple have lived lives of deeper meaning, profound serenity, limitless abundance, and success. And, now you can too!
This week, let’s pay closer attention to the power of our ripple — starting with our thoughts, our actions and our words — and move with greater kindness and love.
Peace. -d