davidji's Blog

4 Pillars of Existence Weekend Meditation

Happy weekend, Spiritual Warrior!!! Feel the 4 Pillars of Existence merge inside of you… compassion, kindness, gratitude & love.

Leonard Cohen’s song “Anthem” says,

Ring the bells (ring the bells) that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything (there is a crack in everything)
That’s how the light gets in…

This week, allow the divine light of the Universe to come into a small crack in your heart. When we open our hearts wide, we experience the true magnificence of life. Remember, you are so worthy…so deserving to receive the love of the divine creator…the love of the universe…the love of others. Remind yourself throughout the day, “I am worthy. I am whole. I am a product of the divine creator.”

Mantra: Om bhakti ritam

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