City: Arvada, Colorado
Teacher: Drs. John Wagonlander and Jen Horton
Name of Practice: Peace & Calm Health
Phone: 507-381-6431
Bio: We practice functional/integrative medicine and are passionate about helping others find their optimal health, and believe meditation is an integral tool to wellness.  We blend the science, philosophy and practicality of meditation into our classes and workshops.

 width=City:  Boulder, Colorado
Teacher:  Mary Beth Kennedy
Phone: 303-589-8006
Bio:  My passion is to encourage, empower and inspire you to find your truth and your joy and the path to live it fully; to shine your own light! As a former teacher of all ages and of many different subjects, I love to teach. I jokingly took “early retirement” from formal education in 1989, when my now adult son was 3 years old, but really never stopped teaching. I love to watch the process of discovery within, which is where all real answers lie. I believe the true teacher leads the student to discover the answers within his/her heart.
As an energy health care practitioner, I’ve taught and facilitated Reconnective Healing with people in 20 countries since 2001. As a High Performance Coach, I help you discover to live with joy, enthusiasm and purpose. As your meditation teacher, I will craft instruction that works for you as an individual, with your particular lifestyle. Meditation can lead you to discover the light within, by quieting your mind and allowing you to listen to your heart, leading to clarity, joy and peace.
I’m an old meditator; I’m old and I meditate! First trained in TM decades ago, and now with davidji since 2014, meditation has been that place and space for me to clear the traffic jam in my head, find the stillness within, where the light is, where the answers lie. I’d love to help you find yours. I would be honored to be a part of that process with you.
Specialties:  Masters of Wisdom & Meditation Deeper Still Advanced Meditation Teacher w/ davidji • Certified High Performance Coach • Reconnective Healing & Reconnection Practitioner/Mentor/Associate Instructor • Energy Health Care • Private (One on One) Individualized Instruction in Meditation • Finding Joy

 width=City: Boulder/Denver Colorado
Teacher: Allison Adams
Name of Practice: Sacred Leadership, Corporate Prana & Corporate Alchemy Consortium
Phone: 760-419-5108
Bio: As a leadership health and well-being expert, I train leaders how to develop vital, resilient, heart-centered companies that thrive in change. My model for Sacred Leadership was created to activate, accelerate, and achieve transformation for personal and social impact. I blend many fields of study and training to give my clients a comprehensive and integrated approach they can use in any stage of leadership and business development.
Specialties: Corporate Wellness, Certified 500-HR Yoga Teacher, davidji Certified Masters of Wisdom & Meditation Teacher, Residential and Corporate Feng Shui, Emotional Intelligence Coach HeartMath Certified Coach/Mentor/Trainer and MIT Theory U (Awareness based Systems Change)Consultant
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