Archives for March 2017

Welcome to this week’s edition of The Source in which we explore ways to master uncertainty.

Our performance at work, at home, and in the face of daily surprises, the uncertainty of the unknown, and unmet expectations is directly linked to our capacity to see clearly, make brilliant decisions, and experience fulfillment in our life.

And guess what? As long as we live, what happens next will be unknown to us. Transcending our daily life challenges – actually interpreting them as non-threats – is one of the keys to our self-actualization, destressifying teaches you to be the calm amidst the chaos… the stillness inside the storm… so you can seize each moment with greater grace & ease and take your life to the next level.

destressifying is not a term we often think about – but it is core to our mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. Essentially, it’s our capacity to prepare for, recover from, and adapt in the face of uncertainty, overwhelm, stress, adversity, trauma, or tragedy. We’re not simply talking about bouncing back after we’ve faced a challenge; but rather, mastering our perception of the moment, and cultivating our natural ability to seize the moment and express our best version in the face of demanding, difficult, and taxing situations. Our personal growth and self-actualization are the most-powerful bi-products of destressifying.

Mastering the art & science of destressifying calls upon all the aspects of our being – the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual realms.

  • Physical destressifying is reflected in our physical health, flexibility, balance, endurance, and strength.
  • Emotional destressifying is reflected in our ability to self-regulate our emotions and reactions, temper our highs and lows, cultivate our emotional awareness & emotional intelligence, elevate our ratio of positive to negative emotions, muster our courage, heal our heart, and enhance the quality of our relationships.
  • Mental destressifying is reflected in our resilience, our thoughts, our perseverance, our attention span, our ability to stay focused, and our mental flexibility – finding new creative solutions to problems – and our level of optimism.
  • Spiritual destressifying is reflected in our core values, our intuition, our awareness of something bigger than our self, our acceptance of differing values and beliefs, and our self-actualization, which includes being of service to others.

I explain each of these aspects in detail in my book destressifying.

Coping When Uncertainty Stresses You Out

Breathing is another key to destressifying. And it comes naturally – you may just have gotten out of practice. By maintaining awareness on our breathing throughout the day, we will naturally destressify.

While you are cultivating your new destressifying mindset, there may be many moments in between where you will want to deploy some of the many in-the-moment destressifying techniques to move you from conditioned responses to your best version. Here are a couple to practice this week:

Doorknob Breathing

Based on 16seconds, every time you enter a room you can shift your energy. As you grip the doorknob – breathe in; as you turn the handle – hold your breath; as you open the door – exhale; as you step in and close the door behind you, hold the breath out. Your next full breath will bring new energy into the room as you enter. And more importantly, you wont be bringing the thoughts, conversations, or energy that you had only 17 seconds before.

Sipping Breath

Purse your lips as if you sipping a hot cup of tea. Take long, slow deep breaths in through your pursed lips. This will totally release tension and help you transcend any anxiety of the moment. To add more force to the practice, as you breathe in, clench your fists and arms and bring them to the side of your face. As you exhale release the tension in your hands and arms and gently let them rest by your side.

Gargling Breath

With your mouth wide open, take a long slow deep breath in and count until your chest fully expands. And as you exhale make sure that your out-breath lasts one second longer than your inhale. Practice this for a minute. Remember if at any time, you get lightheaded STOP. Take a seat. And just breathe normally.

Mantra: Om Moksha Ritam

Happy weekend Spiritual Warrior!!! Let’s allow clarity to unfold this weekend by settling uncertainty about something in your life that is creating anxiety, pain, or emotional turbulence.  We can start this process by identifying a starting point and an end point of the issue, which allows us to begin to grasp the finite nature of our stress leading to greater clarity and less suffering.

Want to add this to your personal meditation library? Download it here.

Hello Spiritual Warrior!!!! And welcome to another edition of The Source. This week, we explore the Sacred Power of TRUST.

You are already connected to everything you could ever desire or need right now – but you must trust to receive them. What’s trust? The breath you’re taking right now, the next thought that drifts into your awareness, your body’s constant questing for balance, the trillions of vibrations rippling through every aspect of your being, listening to the tender feelings in your heart, the sensations in your flesh, energy flowing through your mind & heart, the digestion of your physical & emotional experiences, & your ability to transform this moment into the next.

Trust is a Sacred Power; it requires no convincing. [tweet_dis]Trust is a firm belief that whatever is flowing through you, flows through everything[/tweet_dis]… that you are indeed the same stardust that has rippled through the cosmos for billions of years… that you are this magnificent expression of the divine. Trust is embedded. You can’t think your way into trust… you can’t intellectualize it… trust ripens at your very core.

Trust Is an Invitation

In every moment that you trust, you are inviting the magnificence of the Universe into your life with unwavering confidence. And when you waver… when you lose faith in that invitation… you suddenly lose confidence in your decision. You mistakenly believe that you know better than the universe, and you begin distancing yourself from your understanding of the Divine Principle of Infinite Flow. You selectively turn your back on the laws of the universe… on everything you know to be true. It’s like suddenly being skeptical that gravity will hold you down or that electricity will work when you flick on the light.

Trust is when you are fully aligned with the Universe in thought, breath, word, and deed. When you are in that alignment, you allow the magnificence inside of you to shine and you effortlessly step out of the way. It’s as if the Universe is guiding you… holding your hand and walking right beside you.

Those are the moments of spontaneous right speech, where every word you say fits perfectly into the moment and accomplishes your short term, long term and other peoples goals simultaneously. Clarity unfolds perfectly. Sometimes we call this “being in the zone” or having a “win-win” experience. In this moment of pure present moment awareness, every intention you have, every choice you make, every action you take… fits into the situation perfectly. It feels really good AND it serves the Universe.

As long as we stay open & trusting, everything that’s meant to move through us, comes in effortlessly – nourishes us, and we let go of what doesn’t serve us. Open-ness is the key. And as long as the conduit is wide open, the whole process is effortless & fluid.

Fear or Trust

So what gets in the way? What creates the constriction? The culprit is Fear – the emotion we feel when we sense a threat. When we sense a physical threat, fear usually expresses itself through a primitive biological response mechanism known as fight-flight, which helps us fight or run from a situation to protect ourselves.

When our life is not in danger, but we sense a threat to our beliefs, opinions, or expectations, the exact same biological response mechanism inspires us to emotionally fight or flee using words or body language. We forget the Divine Principle of Infinite Flow. We stop trusting that every moment is perfect and that all is progressing as it is divinely intended. We begin to micro-manage the Universe and express ourselves by constricting, defending, or resisting.

Fear obscures the opportunity that sits right before us. Fear colors every thought that has the potential to sprout into magnificence. As the Buddha said, “All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we create our world.” And when we convince ourselves that what we want to happen won’t and what we don’t want to happen will, then we become a victim of our dumbed-down, sad, conditioned versions of ourselves.

But we are better than that. We are stronger than that. We are more capable and blessed than we often give ourselves credit for. When we are trusting, we can make choices from an abundance mentality rather than a poverty consciousness.

Desperation drifts away; and we can then direct our thoughts to the land of pure potentiality instead of to the place of limiting beliefs. And if we make more conscious choices, there is a higher probability that our dreams & desires will come to fruition. So today… let’s just trust… that the Universe has delivered us to exactly where we need to be.

Keep meditating! And in the meantime, I’ll see you in the gap!

Peace. –davidji

P.S. Remember to adopt your next pet!


Mantra: Moksha

Happy weekend, Spiritual Warrior!!! On this week’s LIVE! from the Sweetspot on Hay House Radio, my soul brother James Van Praagh joined me and Peaches for some sweet, powerful and inspiring heart talk. If you missed the show, don’t worry!!! You can listen to the replay at for a limited time, or you can sign up for the All Access Pass and receive unlimited access to the radio archives and free monthly audio content.

 width=James and I are bringing back our annual SOUL AWAKENING weekend workshop September 22-24 in San Diego. It will be full of heart opening, heart healing and heart merging!!! Click here for details. 

In that spirit, this weekend’s free meditation is Merging Our Hearts. This meditation is a great stress hack — transforming a stressful moment into a destressified one. When you’re feeling a bit harsh, or impatient, or judgmental, or angry…  just slip into heart breathing. You can do this for a few minutes ANYTIME you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed. You can practice it as a daily meditation ritual or as an in-the-moment stress buster. The clarity it brings and the sense of calm it invokes, softening to one-ness, will help you make better decisions about life, love, and purpose.

Want to add this meditation to your personal library? Download it here.


I’m jet-setting from coast to coast to connect with you!!!

Santa Cruz, California
August 13-18, 2017
Transform Good Intentions into Great Choices

A fusion of timeless wisdom and real-world application over five transformational days! You will access the stillness and silence that rest within, lock down a lasting meditation practice, and release aspects of your life that no longer serve you.


Lexington, Kentucky
August 26-27, 2017
Secrets of Meditation Weekend Workshop

Based on the award-winning book “Secrets of Meditation,” spend 2 intimate days with davidji learning to discover your purpose & make more conscious life choices!!! Whether you are a meditation beginner or a seasoned expert, this is the perfect workshop to learn how to kickstart a daily meditation practice, learn how to control stress and anxiety, learn about meditation basics backed by scientific research, hear personal musings, stories, and more.


Rhinebeck, New York
September 18-22, 2017
The 5 Sacred Powers:
Timeless Secrets of Real-World Transformation

Come gather the transformative tools that give you the ability to make brilliant choices in your life, choices that align you with the universe, help take your life to the next level, and awaken the magnificence that rests at your core!


Carlsbad, California
October 5-8, 2017
Awakening Your Inner Healer Weekend Immersion

Make a profound shift in your body & mind! Learn to more fully connect with your genuine self – that core place within that can soothe, nourish, and heal – and gain the clarity you need to move forward with strength and power. If you want to be happier, you need to step into your power and take the reins of your life so you can be the writer, the main character, and the director of your life.



Happy weekend, Spiritual Warrior!!!

This week you’ve noticed, if you follow me on facebook or on Instagram, that I’m at the Meditation Nest in the Sweetspot of the Universe with 30 of my Masters of Wisdom & Meditation Teachers-in-Training. Today is the fifth day of the in-residence portion of my 4-month long certification course.

We’ve been studying the Pancha Mahabhutas, or the Five Master Elements: earth or prithvi; water or jal; fire or agni; air or vayu, and ether or akasha. Each has a specific characteristic and healing properties to offer. During meditation, we can allow the master elements to flow into us to strengthen and awaken the characteristics that come from each element.

When we have each of these elements flowing through us, we are balanced and connected to the divine. It sounds kooky!!! But in my own meditation practice, I have found that connecting to each of the master elements awakens my best version, heals my soul and connects me even more deeply to the divine.

For this weekend meditation, I’m sharing with you a track from my album Journey to Infinity. Track 6 is about stepping into clarity with the element vayu, or air. Air is about movement and flow – the divine circulation of the universe and the flow that exists within each one of us as we channel the divine and express god is through our daily contemplations and interactions.

Purchase the two-volume CD — which I will personally autograph! — for just $20. It retails on Amazon for $40.

Fire is about transformation, metabolism – the crystallization of life – whatever we are moving through, chewing on, or struggling with at any given time. Fire creates the clarity at the end of the tunnel.

Water is about cohesiveness and protection – the sweet vital nectar that remains after fire has burned away the illusions, disturbances and distractions of existence. The nourishment and coming together of each moment.

Earth is about structure, stability, and steadiness – the consistent and reliable characteristics of life. The ground we walk upon and the reliability we seek in each moment.

We are all on a journey through these 5 master elements every day – in every moment, in every interaction, conversation … and I wanted to capture the very essence of the elements in a way that celebrates their healing power paired with spectacular artistry.

So, my Ayurvedic Opera, Journey to Infinity was born from a collaboration with my dear friends and powerful sound healers and musicians, Dean Richards and MJ Vermette, known as SacredFire Music.

 width=These two divine musicians approached Journey to Infinity with an ancient wisdom sensibility and a profound soul connection that sacredly translated my words and evolved them into something more magnificent than I had dreamed.

This summer marks the three-year anniversary of the release of Journey to Infinity, so in celebration you can purchase the two-volume CD from — which I will personally autograph! — for just $20. It retails on Amazon for $40.

Click here to visit my online store >>

Each track carries the intention to infuse you with elemental wisdom through healing music, ancient Sanskrit mantras, and deep guided meditations, and I hope you enjoy.

Peace. -davidji

P.S. Every $1 from sales of the album are donated to a cause close to my heart — rescued pets.


Nothing is but what is now.
Ron Rash

Dear Spiritual Warrior, welcome to another edition of The Source in which we stop. We breath. We are suddenly becoming aware of present moments.

Today I welcome 30 new teachers-in-training to the Meditation Nest for a week in-residence after months of studying, reading, communing, and meditating.  Their journey began 4 months ago and in that precious time they have learned how powerful recognizing the present moment is. When we pause from our busy lives filled with work, family, relationships, children, co-workers, commuting, mobile phones, email and internet, we can access the present moment wherever we are… whatever we are doing.

Remember 16seconds!!! It’s the core of becoming aware of present moments, and you can do it ANYWHERE at ANYTIME.

The present moment is always within you – always resting at the core of who you are. Just like the space between your thoughts is who you really are, the space between your breaths is another facet of the pure, unbounded consciousness that rests within you.

Try this beautiful re-connection technique as you go about your day and you will notice that your life unfolds with greater grace and greater ease. Whatever you are going through, remember to keep breathing. Love, –davidji

 width=Only 6 More Spots Open for Teacher Training Beginning in June

Students in my Masters of Wisdom & Meditation Teacher Training attend for so many different reasons. And each finds a connection to the teachings and to one another that transcends any explanation. My dream continues to be to work closely with my students and impart this timeless wisdom to you in a loving, caring, experiential, interactive and practical way.

If you are ready for a life-changing experience, I am excited to be your guide and share with you what I have learned from some of the most profound Masters of our time. Each of my teacher trainings is an intimate experience to ensure a deep, powerful connection and a supportive learning environment.

My intention is to flow through a process that is profound, eye-opening, inspirational, and heart-opening — to deeply imbue you with these teachings; help you cultivate a powerful daily practice; and instill you with the confidence to comfortably share these teachings with others.

I offer a convenient monthly payment plan to help you plan your journey, and rooms at the Meditation Nest are available on a first-come-first-serve basis. Let’s journey together starting this June, and transform the world by transforming ourselves!!!

Click here to learn more >>

Did you know that the fourth chakra is your center of compassion?

We review chakras extensively in my Awakening Your Inner Healer Weekend Immersion, which I’ll host in October.

The davidji Signature Jewelry line includes chakra amulets and mantra amulets available in the online store.

The fourth chakra, also called the heart chakra, is known in Sanskrit as the Anahata  (pronounced anna-hatta) chakra. This is your personal connection to love, compassion, empathy, forgiveness, and peace.

The Anahata is located near your physical heart, in the center of your chest. You can place your hands on your heart right now and breathe in and feel the love flowing in and out of you. That’s your Anahata—your true Buddha nature. Traditionally, it is associated with the color green.

The vibration or mantra for the fourth chakra is Yaam . Several Sanskrit scholars have also said the vibration can be pronounced as Yum.

Happy weekend, Spiritual Warrior!!! Let’s dive into this weekend’s meditation on manifesting dreams.

If you’ve been following me on Facebook, you’ve seen some amazing photos of our first ever Manifesting Your Dream Life Weekend Workshop. (If not, you can follow me here!) It’s been a truly moving and transformational experience for 30 spiritual warriors on a path of greatness. This retreat turned out to be so popular, that we had to host another one just like it in April, when we will welcome 30 more spiritual warriors ready to learn how to lock in their meditation practice and take their lives to the next level.

The new Secrets of Meditation is launching March 7, 2017!!! I’ll send you 3 free gifts for pre-ordering your copy today. You can order the book, e-book or audiobook from your favorite retailer. Then send me a screenshot of your order at!!!

Although both these events sold out in a hurry, there is still space at my Awaken Your Inner Healer retreat in October at the Meditation Nest in the Sweetspot of the Universe, Carlsbad, CA. You can also find a lineup of my other upcoming retreats and appearances by scrolling down this page.

We are all facing challenges, struggles, crossroads in our lives. And whether you are struggling in your work or your relationships, coping with change, challenged with the “right” decision, or simply want a little guidance in manifesting your goals, this weekend’s guided meditation will start you on a path of reflection and personal transformation. Remember that when you have a consistent daily meditation practice, instead of only having sporadic tastes of the bliss of present-moment awareness, you begin to experience that bliss more and more in your everyday life. As you meditate regularly, a physiological shift occurs that grows deeper, stronger, and more profound with repetition.

Like building any muscle in your body, meditation is a practice that transforms your entire physiology over time. This shift is subtle at first, and as the process of physical and emotional softening occurs, you begin to view life in new and expanded ways. Life takes on a different hue . . . a deeper meaning . . . a more universal understanding that pervades every cell of your being. The present-moment awareness you experience in meditation begins to flow throughout each thought, each conversation, each keystroke and each breath.


We’ve Added New Events to the Lineup!!

Secrets to Inner Peace & Personal Transformation
April 1-2, 2017


S width=ecrets of Meditation Weekend Workshop

April 21-23, 2017
Kennett Square, PA



Masters of Wisdom & Meditation Teacher Training
Classes begin online June 25, 2017
In-residence week October 9-15, 2017

If you want to really learn something, learn to teach it. CLICK TO REGISTER >>

Wanderlust Squaw Valley
July 20-23, 2017
North Lake Tahoe, CA


Wanderlust Whistler
August 3-6, 2017
British Columbia, Canada


Transform Good Intentions into Great Choices
August 13-18, 2017
Santa Cruz, CA

This is a fusion of timeless wisdom and real-world application with one of the most sought-after leaders in practical transformation. During these five days, you will access the stillness and silence that rest within, lock down a lasting meditation practice, and release aspects of your life that no longer serve you.


Soul Awakening 2017: Healing the Heart
September 22-24, 2017
San Diego

The joy that James & davidji share is infectious so if you are looking to experience bliss, awaken your soul; and heal your heart – these 3 days will shift every fiber of your being.


Deeper Still Advanced Certification

Online lessons begin August 2017
In-residence November 7-12, 2017

For Masters of Wisdom & Meditation Certified Teachers Only


Timeless Secrets of Real-World Transformation
September 18-22, 2017
Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, New York

Come gather the transformative tools that give you the ability to make brilliant choices in your life, choices that align you with the universe, help take your life to the next level, and awaken the magnificence that rests at your core!


Awakening Your Inner Healer
Weekend Immersion
October 5-8, 2017
Carlsbad, CA

Make a profound shift in your body & mind!Learn to more fully connect with your genuine self – that core place within that can soothe, nourish, and heal – and gain the clarity you need to move forward with strength and power. If you want to be happier, you need to step into your power and take the reins of your life so you can be the writer, the main character, and the director of your life.


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