Archives for July 2016

Mantra: Om Aah Hum

Who is your harshest critic? You are! Voices in our head telling us we can’t do this or that, that we aren’t worthy of friendship, love, happiness. It’s hard enough with all the swirl in our heads, to remember that we are perfect and whole in every way.  In times of self doubt we must ask ourselves: Who is in my front row? 

guided meditations for awakening your divine selfGet this transformative album for your personal library!

My most powerful guided meditation series is now available through all major online marketplaces!! Many years ago I created a CD of guided meditations called “TIME-IN: Meditations for Non-Meditators” that sold out in less than 24 hours!

This year, I re-released the album with brand new meditations and called it “Guided Meditations for Awakening Your Divine Self.” This album will begin to awaken all aspects of yourself that have become barriers to inner peace, fulfillment and happiness. RIGHT NOW. Today. In this breath. You are entitled to happiness.

In just a few days,“Guided Meditations for Awakening Your Divine Self” made it to the Amazon Best-Seller List topping the charts at No. 2!!!! It released on iTunes 7/19/2016 and we’re watching it climb the charts.

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Album Tracks

1. Awakening Acceptance 16:27
2. Awakening Forgiveness 22:46  >> LISTEN TO A SAMPLE
3. Awakening Gratitude 16:45
4. Awakening Compassion 14:57  >> LISTEN TO A SAMPLE
5. Awakening the Divine 19:26
6. Awakening Abundance 16:53
7. Awakening Love 16:53
8. Awakening the Master Elements 20:30
9. Awakening the Sacred 15:33
10. Awakening Your Cosmic Heart 16:53
11. Awakening Your Inner Healer 16:24
12. Awakening Your Passion 21:05

Mantra: Om Aah Hum

Who is your harshest critic? You are! Voices in our head telling us we can’t do this or that, that we aren’t worthy of friendship, love, happiness. It’s hard enough with all the swirl in our heads, to remember that we are perfect and whole in every way.  In times of self doubt we must ask ourselves: Who is in my front row? 

guided meditations for awakening your divine selfGet this transformative album for your personal library!

My most powerful guided meditation series is now available through all major online marketplaces!! Many years ago I created a CD of guided meditations called “TIME-IN: Meditations for Non-Meditators” that sold out in less than 24 hours!

This year, I re-released the album with brand new meditations and called it “Guided Meditations for Awakening Your Divine Self.” This album will begin to awaken all aspects of yourself that have become barriers to inner peace, fulfillment and happiness. RIGHT NOW. Today. In this breath. You are entitled to happiness.

In just a few days,“Guided Meditations for Awakening Your Divine Self” made it to the Amazon Best-Seller List topping the charts at No. 2!!!! It released on iTunes 7/19/2016 and we’re watching it climb the charts.

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Album Tracks

1. Awakening Acceptance 16:27
2. Awakening Forgiveness 22:46  >> LISTEN TO A SAMPLE
3. Awakening Gratitude 16:45
4. Awakening Compassion 14:57  >> LISTEN TO A SAMPLE
5. Awakening the Divine 19:26
6. Awakening Abundance 16:53
7. Awakening Love 16:53
8. Awakening the Master Elements 20:30
9. Awakening the Sacred 15:33
10. Awakening Your Cosmic Heart 16:53
11. Awakening Your Inner Healer 16:24
12. Awakening Your Passion 21:05

Welcome to this week’s edition of The Source!

There’s a whole bunch of stuff – things I’ve said, things I’ve thought, things I’ve done – that I hope I’ll be forgiven for. Sometimes, they even consume me. They fill my head and swirl around stinging every part of my body like a crazed mosquito.

And that has helped me see that I can be happier if I forgive others. Yes… when the emotional sting is fresh, it’s really hard. But as the hours, days, weeks separate us from the act that hurt us… some of the emotional charge slips away.

Then it’s time to be free! Time to let go of what doesn’t serve us. Time to acknowledge that what someone else has said in a given moment doesn’t define them. Just like you don’t want to be defined by every word or action you’ve said or done in a moment where you weren’t clear, impeccable or at your best.

[Tweet “I want to be given the benefit of the doubt; so how can I not do the same for others?”]

And I want to be free of those ties. I want to be free to love, to celebrate, to laugh, and to have peace in my heart and peace in my mind. I want tranquility to ripple through my soul, but I can’t do that if I’m holding a grudge. When we don’t forgive, we flood our self with all the chemicals and hormones that we experience in fight-flight. Why would I want to do that to myself? Why would I want to attack my body and my brain with toxic emotional turbulence? Why would I want to hurt myself over and over when the damage has already been done? I wouldn’t. And you shouldn’t either!

This week, let’s forgive someone for something they said or did. This doesn’t mean they’re exonerated. This means they wont be hanging around in our head or in our heart. This doesn’t mean that what they said or did was right. This means we will no longer allow it to control us, wound us, or hurt us.

This week, let’s take the pledge of forgiveness. Let’s get off our platform of universal moralism and let’s learn from this experience. Let’s grow from this moment. Let’s transmute our pain into self-love. Let’s transform our hurt into healing. Let’s commit to happiness and begin the process of letting go. We can start simply by giving our self permission to loosen our grip on the other person’s words and actions.

[Tweet “When we forgive, we free ourselves from the ties that bind us to the one that hurt us”]

Let’s ask for our own forgiveness for something we’ve done. And in that process, we will receive the unconditional love of the Universe.

In the meantime, keep meditating, keep dying to the past, AND keep forgiving!! First yourself, then someone else. Remember, we transform the world by transforming ourselves.

Peace. -davidji

guided meditations for awakening your divine selfGet this transformative album for your personal library!

My most powerful guided meditation series is now available through all major online marketplaces!! Many years ago I created a CD of guided meditations called “TIME-IN: Meditations for Non-Meditators” that sold out in less than 24 hours!

This year, I re-released the album with brand new meditations and called it “Guided Meditations for Awakening Your Divine Self.” This album will begin to awaken all aspects of yourself that have become barriers to inner peace, fulfillment and happiness. RIGHT NOW. Today. In this breath. You are entitled to happiness.

In just a few days,“Guided Meditations for Awakening Your Divine Self” made it to the Amazon Best-Seller List topping the charts at No. 1!!!!

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Album Tracks

1. Awakening Acceptance 16:27
2. Awakening Forgiveness 22:46  >> LISTEN TO A SAMPLE
3. Awakening Gratitude 16:45
4. Awakening Compassion 14:57  >> LISTEN TO A SAMPLE
5. Awakening the Divine 19:26
6. Awakening Abundance 16:53
7. Awakening Love 16:53
8. Awakening the Master Elements 20:30
9. Awakening the Sacred 15:33
10. Awakening Your Cosmic Heart 16:53
11. Awakening Your Inner Healer 16:24
12. Awakening Your Passion 21:05

Artwork by Simon Haiduk;

If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro’ narrow chinks of his cavern. ―William Blake

Mantra: Om bhakti moksha

Your heart is where love and spirit are joined. It’s your heart that aches or fills with love, seems empty or overflowing, and within the heart is a more subtle center that experiences spirit. But you can’t feel spirit as a sensation or emotion. Spirit lies beneath the layers of sensation. You must go to the heart and meditate on it.

soul awakening


Time is running out to experience your very own SOUL AWAKENING  –  and take advantage of special pricing for the workshop and lodging!

For decades davidji and James have used their unique gifts to connect people to states of higher consciousness.

davidji has taught hundreds of thousands of people to tap into the stillness and silence that rests within, while James, through mediumship and clairvoyant techniques honed over 30 years, have transcended space and time to connect the living with other realms.

On August 26th – 28th, they’ll be coming together in the beautiful setting of the Rancho Bernardo Inn for an intimate retreat that will be unlike anything we have done before.

They’ll be guiding you as you:

  • Experience personal transformation;
  • Learn ancient meditation & sacred mantra techniques for connecting to Spirit;
  • Raise your vibration to tune into your soul wisdom;
  • Connect with the Spirits of loved ones and ancient ancestors who will guide you on your spiritual journey
  • Learn to speak to angels, spirit guides, and loved ones in the other realm.

Early bird pricing for this workshop is in effect until Sunday, July 24th, so if spending a weekend with James Van Praagh and davidji is on YOUR bucket list, act now! 

If you are looking to experience bliss, awaken your soul; and connect with spirit – these 3 days will shift every fiber of your being.

Click here to reserve your spot! 

 Bring the family!

San Diego’s Rancho Bernardo Inn is a destination for every one in the family. While you workshop with davidji and I, your spouse can spend time on-property taking advantage of the award-winning spa and golf, or lounging by the pool. For the kids, you’ll be close to Legoland, San Diego Zoo and Wild Safari Park, SeaWorld, and the beach. Get in your last family vacation of the summer while you experience the magical, powerful SOUL AWAKENING.

davidji and James have secured a very special block of rooms for SOUL AWAKENING attendees. Rooms are $199 per night. Be sure to mention SOUL AWAKENING when you call. Find out more here.

Special Room Rates will only be available until July 26th. 

Treat your soul to a weekend with two gifted spiritual teachers in a gorgeous setting! You’ll leave refreshed, renewed and inspired – with the tools you need to lock in a daily meditation practice, a deeper connection to your natural intuition, and an enduring connection to Spirit!

Welcome to this week’s edition to The Source, on how to find your center and relieve anxiety now!

We’ve all heard the term “TIME-OUT!”

It’s part of almost every sport or athletic competition. It’s the ultimate pattern interrupt used to refresh, get clear, plan a new play, stop the momentum that’s building against us, or inflict monkey-mind on your opponent at the free-throw line in basketball, on the pitcher’s mound in baseball, or about to take a penalty shot in soccer. In football, it’s used to “ice the kicker” of a field goal giving him just 30 seconds more to get into his head to ruminate, second-guess, and question his ability to execute an easy kick.

[Tweet “Relieve your anxiety. Take a TIME-IN now. Here’s how…”]

For decades, the term TIME-OUT has been used to send rambunctious children to their room, penalize them for acting out, or gently punish them for inappropriate behavior. It’s part of the language of our culture. And it’s based on the fact that what’s going on carries a certain flow… a specific energy… a consistent movement… and to break the rhythm of that pattern will create an opportunity for something new, something different… something better to unfold.

davidji & the Boston Buddha, Andy Kelley
Me and Andy Kelley, also known as The Boston Buddha.

Back in 2010, Andy Kelley – also known as The Boston Buddha – shared with me some languaging he was using to teach kids meditation. Aware that almost every child in the room had been “given a TIME-OUT” at some point in their life, he introduced the phrase “Taking a TIME-IN”. He told me that hundreds of kids in his classes were embracing the term because it seemed like the opposite of a TIME-OUT. He is an amazing teacher and a master of languaging, and he suggested I try it with my students.

So, I began using the term with adults – entrepreneurs, athletes, people in the corporate world, members of the military, and even those in law enforcement – and the results were astounding.

Since then, I’ve shared this phrase with tens of thousands of people around the world to take them out of their heads and into their hearts. I even created a CD of guided meditations called “TIME-IN: Meditations for Non-Meditators” that sold-out in less than 24 hours!

relieve your anxiety now Awakening Your Divine Self cover artI re-released the album this year as “Awakening Your Divine Self”. It’s on the Amazon Best-Sellers List after just a few days!!!! It will be available on iTunes soon.

While the physical and emotional benefits of meditation are being confirmed every day by academic studies and scientific research, most people still resist implementing a daily meditation practice, claiming they don’t have the time, it doesn’t work, or that the term meditation conjures all sorts of religious or cult-like connotations that get in the way of their relationship with God. For the most part, this leaves us as a planet of crisis meditators – only succumbing to meditation or prayer when extreme challenges rear their ugly heads.

But everyone likes taking a TIME-IN. It’s empowering. It’s personal. It’s something you really feel you can own. And for some reason, people find comfort in taking a TIME-IN.

For almost 15 years now, I have placed my attention on the languaging of meditation – focusing on the practical, real-world tools, and techniques that help people destressify, connect to the stillness and silence that rests within, and gain clarity in a critical moment of decision-making. And by keeping it REAL instead of theoretical or overly scientific, the davidji Meditation Community has tripled in size, and more of its members are meditating every single day – rather than making excuses why they can’t. Even more powerfully, they are sharing the teachings with their friends, family members, and co-workers. The number of certified Masters of Wisdom & Meditation Teachers around the world has grown to more than 100, my mainstream book “destressifying” became a #1 bestseller on, and LIVE! from the SweetSpot, my weekly radio show on is experiencing more listeners than ever before. Together, we are making a difference. Together – you and I – are transforming the world as we continue to transform ourselves.

This week, let’s respond to the calling by sharing the power of Taking a TIME-IN with someone you care about. Invite anyone in your life to join you for a 5-minute TIME-IN where you both just sit in silence with your eyes closed simply watching your breath. Tell them that having thoughts is okay. Re-assure them that when they drift away from their breath to thoughts, sounds or physical sensations– to ever so gently drift back to it. Don’t confuse them with mantras or advanced techniques. Just the simple, “let’s close our eyes, take a TIME-IN, and witness our breath for the next five minutes.”

You will be amazed at the results. It will help you jumpstart or re-engage your practice. You will help someone else learn meditation (but don’t call it that); and most importantly – you will experience connecting to stillness and silence with someone you care about. You both will feel a deeper connection!!

Forward this post to as many people as you can think of, and let’s celebrate the beauty of taking a TIME-IN.


Thank you Andy Kelley!! We transform the world by transforming ourselves. See you in the gap!!!!

Peace. -davidji

Mantra: Anandam

Deep gratitude for Kari Anapol of, who has selflessly allowed me to showcase her beautiful art to elevate these guided meditations to the next level.

Awakening forgiveness should be a gentle process. Especially when emotions are high. Remind yourself that LOVE is the most powerful healing force in the universe. It begins with examining ourselves, our actions, our words and our physical body. Only then, once we’ve identified the need to forgive ourselves, that we can forgive others. We are all, in fact, human.

Want to add this to your personal meditation library? Click here.

Awakening Your Divine Self cover art“Awakening Forgiveness” is just one powerful meditation on my new album “Awakening Your Divine Self” available soon on iTunes, Amazon Music, Google Play, and all major online music stores around the world.

1 16:27 Album Only
2 22:46 Album Only
3 16:45 Album Only
4 14:57 Album Only
5 19:26 Album Only
6 16:53 Album Only
7 16:53 Album Only
8 20:30 Album Only
9 15:33 Album Only
10 16:53 Album Only
11 16:24 Album Only
12 21:05 Album Only

Hello Spiritual Warrior! And welcome to The Source!!

Every week, for the past four years, it has been my honor and pleasure to share real-world expressions of timeless wisdom with you through articles, videos and free guided meditations.

There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. It is the only true guide you will ever have. And if you cannot hear it, you will all of your life spend your days on the ends of strings that somebody else pulls. ~Howard Thurman

We live each moment of our life through the ebb and flow of emotions, and sometimes it’s hard to pinpoint and answer, “what am I feeling?”. It’s almost as if each beat of our heart, and every breath we take, moves us in one direction or another. The phone rings – a feeling sparks, and a thought pours in; someone says something to us – suddenly our mood shifts and our face follows; we feel the sun on our cheek and the wind in our hair – and as memories awaken, a sensation ripples through us. We are a bundle of conditioned emotions that are primed to respond to the momentary assessment of whether our needs have been met or not.

Simply put emotions are subjective, conscious experiences that link our interpretation of a given moment to a biological reaction creating a particular mental state. Have you ever yelled at someone -after having a tough time or a difficult encounter- over something that had nothing to do with them? Psychologists refer to this mis-direction as “emotional leakage.”

When you suppress emotions, you’re likely to express them inadvertently in other avenues by being snide, sarcastic, snarky, retaliatory, biting, harsh or downright mean to people who had nothing to do with your initial frustration. Suppressing our feelings is now scientifically proven to lead to poor memory, relationship challenges, and deeper health issues as our body is influenced so strongly by our subjective conscious experiences.

We can rise above the constriction by heightening our emotional intelligence, known as EI in many leadership, psychology, and philosophy circles. EI is essentially our ability to “own” these four capabilities:

  1. Correctly perceive emotions;
  2. Retrieve and produce emotions to assist thought;
  3. Comprehend emotions and understand them; and
  4. Effectively adjust emotions to promote personal development and growth.

If you don’t know how you feel or why you feel a certain way, you will experience emotional overwhelm or confusion and won’t be able to communicate effectively, meet your needs, or resolve disagreements. But if we master our emotional intelligence, you will flow with less stress, more grace, and greater ease. And, the more successful we are at heightening these core skill sets, the happier and more fulfilled we will be.

The beauty of EI is that it’s not a function of simply being born with a high EQ; emotional intelligence can be learned, developed, and mastered. Although daily intelligence is important to succeeding in life, emotional intelligence is key to achieving your goals. Remember, EI is an awareness of your actions and feelings – and how they affect those around you. It also means that you value others, listen to their wants and needs, and are able to empathize or identify with them on many different levels. In this process, YOU WILL MEET MORE OF YOUR OWN NEEDS!

Watch this week’s video for a way for you to raise your EQ and email me at to share your process.

After teaching more than 200,000 people the secrets of emotional awareness, I began integrating these teachings into all of my workshops and Teacher Trainings. I encourage you to join me at one of my retreats, workshops, or Teacher Trainings, and in the meantime, keep meditating with me each week and together we will transcend the emotional turbulence in our lives.

I’ll see you on the gap!!

Peace. -davidji

Only 1 Week Left for Early-bird Registration



For decades davidji & James Van Praagh have used their unique gifts to connect people to states of higher consciousness.

davidji has taught hundreds of thousands of people to tap into the stillness and silence that rests within. James, also known as the ghost whisperer, thru mediumship and clairvoyant techniques honed over 30 years, has transcended space and time to connect the living with other realms.

In this world premiere SOUL AWAKENING experience davidji & James will teach you the process of getting so quiet that you will hear the whispers of the divine. In an intimate and soul enriching setting, you will:

  • Experience personal transformation;
  • Learn ancient meditation & sacred mantra techniques for connecting to Spirit;
  • Raise your vibration to tune into your soul wisdom;
  • Connect with the Spirits of loved ones and ancient ancestors who will guide you on your spiritual journey
  • Learning to speak to angels, spirit guides, and loved ones in the other realm.

The joy that James & davidji share is infectious so if you are looking to experience bliss, awaken your soul; and connect with spirit – these 3 days will shift every fiber of your being. Treat your soul to a weekend with these two gifted spiritual teachers in a gorgeous setting! You’ll leave refreshed, renewed and inspired – with the tools you need to lock in a daily meditation practice, a deeper connection to your natural intuition, and an enduring connection to Spirit!

Early-bird registration still available for one more week!! Register now >>

Photo Credit: motiqua via Compfight cc

Mantra: Om ah hum

Sometimes we feel as if we’ll always be trapped. As if the place we find ourselves in feels like quicksand. But really, this feeling of being stuck is merely a pause… a rest… before we launch into our dreams, into where we want to be!!

Download this meditation to your personal library by clicking here.



For decades davidji & James Van Praagh have used their unique gifts to connect people to states of higher consciousness.

davidji has taught hundreds of thousands of people to tap into the stillness and silence that rests within. James,  also known as the ghost whisperer, thru mediumship and clairvoyant techniques honed over 30 years, has transcended space and time to connect the living with other realms.

In this world premiere SOUL AWAKENING experience davidji & James will teach you the process of getting so quiet that you will hear the whispers of the divine. In an intimate and soul enriching setting, you will:

  • Experience personal transformation;
  • Learn ancient meditation & sacred mantra techniques for connecting to Spirit;
  • Raise your vibration to tune into your soul wisdom;
  • Connect with the Spirits of loved ones and ancient ancestors who will guide you on your spiritual journey
  • Learning to speak to angels, spirit guides, and loved ones in the other realm.

The joy that James & davidji share is infectious so if you are looking to experience bliss, awaken your soul; and connect with spirit – these 3 days will shift every fiber of your being. Treat your soul to a weekend with these two gifted spiritual teachers in a gorgeous setting! You’ll leave refreshed, renewed and inspired – with the tools you need to lock in a daily meditation practice, a deeper connection to your natural intuition, and an enduring connection to Spirit!

“Whatever you have experienced in your life is carved in stone. But, today, at this very moment – you have the power to shift your life from where you are to where you want to be. You are never stuck… you always have a choice. You just have to give yourself permission to grow, to love, to thrive. You are the master of each moment.”
davidji Guided Meditations: Fill What is Empty; Empty What is Full

Welcome to this week’s edition of The Source!!

“I’m stuck!” We’ve all said it to ourselves or someone else at some point in our lives. Maybe you said it today. But, it’s a myth. It’s a story we’ve told ourselves and it’s not real! Considering ourselves stuck is a confusion based on a misperception and grounded in conditioning that may have existed since you were a child.

We had a plan in mind – and suddenly an obstacle appeared. But the truth is, that obstacle was always there and then what we did with it became the defining moment in our life. If we figured out a route around it, through it, or beyond it, then we never gave it a second thought. But, if we spent too much time in it and gave it too much attention – then it became real… in our mind. And as we put more and more attention on it, it grew, and blossomed, and took on the appearance of something powerful… something larger than life.

Einstein is known to have said, “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” And yet, when we announce to ourselves or to the world, “I’m stuck!”, we are ONLY looking at the problem, the challenge, or the “stuckedness” from the same viewpoint as when we created it.

But, it’s all in our mind.

We often have an agenda – a goal – or a target that we are trying to achieve. And when we hit any interruption, hiccup or change in the terrain on our path – THAT MOMENT – can be the defining moment in our life. That’s the moment where we either make it all about the blockage – and give it power… or all about the solution to moving past the blockage. If we give up… then the blockage wins and then we start to give it more power. If we stop, reground ourselves, use this moment as the new launchpad for achieving our goals, and then view the journey NOT from where we came – but from this point forward…. then our mind can fill with solutions for transcending this temporary setback.

We can use the tool of simply getting still to re-set ourselves. We can remind ourselves that every magnificent journey – whether that’s your drive across the country (which requires the occasional recharge or gas-tank fill-up), or the Cleveland Cavaliers coming from three games back and digging deep into the present moment to win the NBA championship (clearly a mindset of keeping an eye on the prize), or the dream you have right now (that you are interpreting as being in stall mode – when it’s really only taking a breath before surging forward again) – yes, every magnificent journey – needs an opportunity to pull back the bow, take a deep breath in, re-center yourself, and then take one small step beyond where you are right now.

It all begins with awareness. Your awareness – that in this moment you are whole and perfect and magnificent. It’s the aham brahmasmi moment where you realize that you are not in the world… but rather – the world is in you! This is where you truly understand that being stuck is an illusion and you are simply taking a break before the next magnificent wave of your life unfolds.

Let’s do that today. Stop, breathe, rest, pull back the bow, and launch ourselves into the next spectacular moment!! In the meantime, keep meditating and keep trusting. The best is yet to come!!!!

Peace. –davidji






P.S. Remember to adopt your next pet!

Mantra: Sankalpa Samma Vaca

Happy Weekend Spiritual Warriors!
This  meditation is on cultivating the right speech. This means abstaining from lying, divisive speech, abusive speech, and idol chatter. If we can cultivate right speech through our thoughts, our inner dialogue becomes nourishing. Once your inner dialogue is positive and nourishing, you will flow that out to everyone you speak to.  Try spending the next few days practicing conscious communication – internally and externally. Here’s to living and speaking consciously!

Want to add this to your personal meditation library? Download it here.

Let’s Connect in Person!

San Diego, CA ♦ Carlsbad, CA ♦ Maya Tulum, Mexico ♦ Syracuse, NY ♦ Philadelphia ♦ India ♦ Fort Lauderdale, FL ♦ Orlando, FL ♦ Oahu, Hawaii ♦ Berea, KY

For more information, click on the city or email 

maya tulum retreat 2016Conscious communication and choosing the right speech are primary topics of my upcoming retreat in November. We will spend 7 days together, fully immersed in exploring the Five Realms of our lives and deeply reflecting on our past, our choices, and the people in our lives — all of these elements have molded us into the people we are today. This retreat is all-inclusive (except for travel), and we will dwell in private beach casitas, attend daily transformational sessions, practice daily meditation & yoga, and participate in exclusive group activities and powerful personal transformation. In this one-of-a-kind experience you will:

  • Finally, learn to connect to the stillness & silence that rests within
  • Explore the ruins & walk in the footsteps of the ancient Mayans
  • Discover Ayurveda – the 5000-year-old healing system & learn the key to your balance
  • Swim in the warm, azure waters on the Mexican Riviera
  • Release emotional toxicity in a gentle, safe environment
  • Journey through the Five Realms of your life & learn to manifest your dreams
  • Luxuriate in ancient Mayan massage therapies
  • Meditate, practice yoga, walk the labyrinth, & dine on local fresh, nourishing meals

Learn more about the specific accommodations and other retreat details here. You can also email our reservation specialist at — she is available to answer any and all of your questions. I’m looking forward to communing on the serene beaches of the Mexican Riviera with you!

peace. -d

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