Archives for March 2015

Greetings Spiritual Warriors!!!

I hope your meditation practice is helping you
connect to the stillness & silence that rests within!

As we continue to meditate, we continue to become more sensitive to the world around us… and the more subtle aspects of our own being. As we align more with the universal flow, our awareness grows and soon we find ourselves listening more easily to the whispers of our heart.


It is in these most sacred conversations, that we start to connect more deeply to source. The messengers that travel between the wisdom of the universe and our most divine self are known as Spirit Guides. They teach us, inspire us, uplift us… even heal us as they gently nudge us closer to our dharma, our passion… to the best versions of ourselves… and ultimately to our divinity.

[Tweet “Spirit Guides nudge us closer to the best versions of ourselves and ultimately to our divinity.”]

Spirit Guides can take the form of celestial beings either in this life or from the past; they can appear as angels, wizards, shamans, or deities; they can express themselves as the embodiment of totems, images, animal energy, forces of nature, heavenly messages, or signs from God. Depending upon your orientation, they can take the form of ascended masters or ancestral instructors – the voice of Jesus, the teachings of the Buddha, the compassion of Kwan Yin, the insight of Krishna, they comfort of a wise woman or the instruction of a medicine man… essentially, they take the form of whatever divine expression most naturally appears to you.

But once they have appeared… the connection is established. Then it is up to you to continue the dialog. I’ve often said if prayer is talking to God, meditation is listening. And as long as you continue to meditate, pray, contemplate, or reflect in the quietude of your heart, the conversation evolves into a communing – where words are transcended by feelings and ultimately intuitive messages that guide you to lead with love, make better decisions, expand your awareness, and live more fully in the moment. Your choices unfold with grace & ease. Your challenging moments morph into peaceful resolutions; your darkness effortlessly is replaced by light; and you start to live each moment from your highest calling.


The process is different for everyone; but there are a few common elements that are core to most understandings of the Spirit Guide:

  • Spirit guides are just that… Guides. They help us solve problems. We ask… and they answer.
  • Spirit guides are teachers – their intentions are pure & they help us grow through the depth of our connection to source.
  • Their messages are not always literal but can take the form of stories, parables, metaphors or hints.
  • Our relationship with a Spirit Guide deepens as we meditate and spend more time in silence.

So this week, let’s cultivate our relationship with our Spirit Guide… and whether that’s your higher power, the divine creator, or the God you pray to… let’s get a little closer to the source of all existence! And through that connection, we will step through our pain, our confusion, our darkness, our sadness, and our weaknesses into a life filled with greater courage, tenderness, clarity, and strength. Join me this week on HayHouseRadio and we’ll take it deeper – and spend some time with my most recent guided meditation on awakening your spirit guide.

Listen to this week’s guided meditation on Awakening Your Spirit Guide.

In the meantime, I’ll see you in the gap!

Peace. –davidji


Remember to adopt your next pet!




spirit-guides2Sometimes we all need a little help, a little companionship, to take our life from where we are to where we want to be.

It can get lonely with all the distractions and challenges of life. But you’re not alone! Summon one passenger to ride with you — summon your spirit guide, your support system, someone you can call on for answers, for truth! Identify a trait or quality — strength, insight, abundance, surrender — that you’d like to awaken in yourself, and which divine being might inherit that trait.

Want to add this meditation to your iTunes? Download load it here. 

When the student is ready, the teacher appears.

InnerHealing_Display-(2) (1)

We, unaccustomed to courage
exiles from delight
live coiled in shells of loneliness
until love leaves its high holy temple
and comes into our sight
to liberate us into life.

Love arrives
and in its train come ecstasies
old memories of pleasure
ancient histories of pain.
Yet if we are bold,
love strikes away the chains of fear
from our souls.

We are weaned from our timidity
In the flush of love’s light
we dare be brave
And suddenly we see
that love costs all we are
and will ever be.
Yet it is only love
which sets us free.

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heroes represent the best of ourselves, respecting that we are human beings. a hero can be anyone from gandhi to your classroom teacher, anyone who can show courage when faced with a problem. a hero is someone who is willing to help others in his or her best capacity. 
~ricky martin

Photo by Adam Scott Miller

Hello Spiritual Warriors!! When you are just about to leap – into a job… a relationship… a business… a new way of being, doing, or thinking… sometimes we can feel like we don’t have the energy or confidence or courage or smarts to take us to the next level. Sometimes it’s a little voice in our head telling us we can’t do it; sometimes it’s a person in our life shaking their head or smirking; and sometimes it’s the circumstances that seem so daunting, over-whelming, or over-powering. When we realize that we don’t have what it takes in the critical moment – that’s when can begin awakening archetypes.

What is an archetype? Basically, it’s the embodiment in another being, myth, or force of nature that contains the trait or characteristic we need to access in the critical moment. For example, an easy archetype to understand might be if you have to lift a heavy object – let’s say, moving big boxes from one room to another. In that moment – since you are not a body-builder- you would call upon someone who is! Not by dialing the phone… but by connecting to them inside your very body!! So in this instance, you would awaken your inner Hulk, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Thor, Sumo Wrestler, or the Supreme Box Lifter that rests inside yourself. We’d call upon whomever we think of when we think of pure strength… we’d connect with that energy, and we’d move those boxes!!

[Tweet “when you are just about to leap… reach for an archetype! #innerhealer #ahambrahmasmibaby @davidji_com”]

Archetypes are states of information, energy and awareness that rest sleeping inside us. By awakening archetypes, we summon the power to find our next gear. Archetypes exist in the collective domain of the unmanifest and are available to each of us at any time. They exist as a god or goddess in embryo waiting to be born. And they can take the form or shape of whatever it is we are trying to summon.

HorizLandscapeSky_120x600 (1)So who is the archetype that you call upon, when you:

Need more strength? More courage? More grace? More compassion? More patience? More awareness? More resilience? More tenderness? More impeccability? More understanding? More determination? More creativity? More kindness? More forgiveness? More boldness? More wisdom?

[Tweet “By awakening our archetype energy, we summon the power to find our next gear.”]

We are awakening archetypes when we simply plant the seeds of our intentions & desires. If we do it on a regular basis, we get more skilled at it and the archetypal energies we summon start flowing to us more consistently. So make your list today of your top ten archetypes for moving you through your life. Actually write them down and read the list a few times throughout the day. Feel free to delete archetypes that are no longer needed or who have worn out their usefulness; and feel fee to add new ones as new challenges, circumstances, and situations reveal themselves.


Within a few days, you’ll have them all at your fingertips – and whenever you need a little extra something – POW! – call upon them and see what happens. Join me in June at my Inner Healer workshop & we’ll connect to your most personal archetypes and learn how to give birth to them!! In the meantime, tune in this Thursday on Hay House Radio and we’ll dive deep into archetypes.

Remember to keep meditating & I’ll see you in the gap! Aham brahmasmi baby!

Peace. –davidji

318561_268512556492773_6668172_nP.S. Adopt your next pet!

chakras video blogAwakening our chakra energies powerfully moves us closer to our most divine self–our best version.

Opening our chakras make us energized, and awakened chakras promote emotional and spiritual growth. We experience “free flowing” energy and information that moves in alignment within the natural rhythms of our bodies and the universal rhythms of nature.

Learn more about opening your chakras here.

Let’s open our chakras and lean in the direction of our dreams! Want to add this to your meditation library? Download it here.

Listening on an iPad? Try this version:


You know I’m a big fan and believer in chakra wisdom tools. Energy is an integral part of mind-body health and living a more conscious life and chakra is a Sanskrit word and translates to energy “center” or “wheel”. Ancient seers put the pieces together long ago – identifying the many threads of frequencies that connect our physical, motional, intellectual, and spiritual energies and the effects that these vibrations have on our overall health and constitutional wellbeing.

Ayurveda teaches us to study, understand, and balance our mindbodyspirit as a whole – promoting an existence that is in tune with the natural rhythms of nature – and the oneness that rests at the core of our existence. When you apply conscious living practices like chakra awareness techniques, your self-observation and connectivity expands organically.

We have seven main chakra energy centers that run in a straight line along our spine – starting at the base and up to the crown of our head. They can be thought of as the junction points of our physical world and the unmanifest that rests beyond.

When our chakras are open and vibrant we are abundantly rich in the vital life force, known in Sanskrit as “Prana.” We feel grounded, inspired, energized, loving, kind, grateful, intuitive, and connected to source. When energy becomes stagnant in one or more of these vortex wheels, we are prone to experience emotional congestion fueled by fear, limiting beliefs, and lack of self-love – thus opening ourselves to emotional, physical, and spiritual pain.

Opening our chakras make us energized, and awakened chakras promote emotional and spiritual growth. We experience “free flowing” energy and information that moves in alignment within the natural rhythms of our bodies and the universal rhythms of nature.

When we are making healthier, more conscious choices, we exist in a state of grounded energetic alignment with the universe. Awakening our chakra energies is a powerful wisdom tool for us to move closer to our most divine self – our best version. Since our chakras are expressions of the various levels of our consciousness – from groundedness to creativity to following through to loving more to speaking our voice to making more conscious choices to connecting with source – we can open them and flow through the world with greater grace, greater ease & deeper fulfillment. We can connect more powerfully to our most genuine self – awaken more nourishing relationships, shift out of constrictions, and move beyond blockages as we truly manifest our dream life.

This week, let’s open our chakras and lean in the direction of our dreams!

Happy exploring and remember the power of your energy ripple! People feel it, take it in and flow it back into the world just like you do with their energy, so be conscious of how you treat yourself and others in this kooky, beautiful, divine existence of ours! Keep meditating! We transform the world by transforming ourselves.

Aham brahmasmi baby!!!! –davidji

davidji and peaches

P.S. Remember to adopt your next pet!

music, mantras & meditations


The timeless wisdom of Ayurveda realized in this powerful, musical collaboration between davidji and SacredFire.

Journey to Infinity is a two-hour exploration of your body, mind, heart, and soul through Ayurveda – the 5000-year-old healing system. Each track on Journey to Infinity carries the intention to infuse you with timeless elemental wisdom.

[Tweet “Awaken Ayurveda in Your Life with Journey to Infinity”]

This Spiritual Song-cycle will help you connect with your deeper Self through the healing power of musical awakening, ancient Sanskrit mantras, consciousness shifting binaural beats, musical Ayurvedic awakenings and deep, guided meditations. Some relax your body and calm your mind; some soothe your heart, some awaken your inner healer, and others will inspire you to get up and dance. There’s a track for every mood, feeling and situation you find yourself in – and an opportunity to bring greater wholeness into your life. The beautiful, creative expressions of the shamanic sound healers SacredFire combined with davidji’s vision and words makes this CD a core teaching, and a valuable tool in taking your life to the next level. Read more about how Journey to Infinity was realized. 

Journey to Infinity is available as a CD or as an mp3 download. A portion of the proceeds from mp3 purchases go help rescue pets.



How exciting!! Announcing our first ever photo contest!

Theme: “In the Present Moment”

  • Submit up to 3 images representing the theme “In the Present Moment” per email address
  • Winning photos will appear on and in other davidji materials — always with photographer credit and link to your website, if applicable
  • We’ll choose 3 winners who will receive a personalized guided meditation by davidji!

Send submissions to!


Stress is always in the eyes of the beholder!

By adopting a de*stressifying game plan for life, everything changes—from the very seeds of thought that trickle into our awareness to the chemical and hormonal pulses that drive our emotions to the steps we take with our words and actions.

Read more about de•stressifying here.

It’s up to you… which path do you take and leave behind in any given moment?

Stress! We know it. We all have it. We all experience it. It’s the human condition—especially when you learn its simple definition:

Stress is how we respond when our needs are not met.

Human beings experience this phenomena 8–15 times a day. And assuming our typical eight hours of sleep, that’s an unmet need every one to two hours! But it’s what we do with it, it’s how we respond to our unmet needs—what we think, the words we speak, and how we react to each other and our unmet needs—that determines the fabric of our life.

[Tweet “Recent scientific research shows that stress is not necessarily bad for us @davidji_com”]

davidji destressifying book
Available at now!

Stress is universal because our needs are universal.

Yet the individual way each of us responds to having our needs met, and how we respond when they aren’t met, become this unique mosaic we call our reality.

As we sway relentlessly between the realms of our met and unmet needs, the world swirls around us. And in critical moments when we crave clarity, the spontaneous right thought, word, or action . . . when we wish it could just slow down a bit so that we could make the best, most conscious choice for ourselves and everyone around us . . . boom! Instead, we may find ourselves swept up in a tsunami of thoughts, fears, confusion, overwhelm, regrettable behaviors, knee-jerk emotions, and conditioned reactions. Hormones and chemicals surge through our body, constricting our blood vessels, shallowing our breathing, thickening our blood, heightening our sugar levels, and suppressing our immune system.

But wait—the most recent scientific research now points to the fact that stress is not necessarily bad for us. It may even add value to our life – it can focus us, push us forward in the direction of our goals, increase our productivity, reinforce our relationships, and even elevate our journey of personal development.

The long-term implications of stress are all based on our perception of it. The main reason most of us suffer with stress is because we often don’t have the right tools to address it. It is the reason I twisted for more than 20 years in the corporate world, struggling with restless sleep, living without balance, feeling overwhelmed, and searching for deeper fulfillment that rarely seemed to come. I didn’t know what the tools were—nor did I have the manual on how to use them. I didn’t even know there were tools!

I have spent the last 14 years compiling the research and studying the wisdom needed to live a destressified life. And I’ve distilled this timeless body of knowledge into five core life cultivations:

  • Mastering your awareness
  • Mastering your needs
  • Mastering your emotions
  • Mastering your communication
  • Mastering your purpose in life

You’ve already taken the most important step by joining me on this journey. Once these life tools are part of your thoughts, they will become your internal dialogue . . . and as they entrench themselves into every fiber of your being, they will become your outer dialogue, the way you express yourself with your words and actions. Your perspective on your entire existence will shift. You will become destressified effortlessly.

[Tweet “destressifying transcends the conversation about whether stress is good or bad for you.”]

destressifying transcends the conversation about whether stress is good or bad for you by transporting you to a new and empowered state of consciousness that places you back in control of your emotions, your perception of the world around you, and your interpretation of a stressful moment. Stress is always in the eyes of the beholder! And by adopting a destressifying game plan for life, everything changes—from the very seeds of thought that trickle into our awareness to the chemical and hormonal pulses that drive our emotions to the steps we take with our words and actions.

This week join me on Hay House Radio where we’ll take our exploration into de*stressifying even deeper. Let’s make a commitment to living a destressifying life by cultivating the five core areas that will take us to the best version of ourselves. In this space, we will make better decisions, create more peace and less harm, find deeper fulfillment, and walk through the world with greater grace and ease. In the meantime, keep meditating and I’ll see you in the gap!

Peace. –davidji

davidji & peaches

P.S. Remember to adopt your next pet!!!

Join me in September for my inaugural destressifying retreat!

Ever experienced pain in your belly?
Tightness in your chest?
A throb in the temple?
Clench in the jaw?
Closing of your throat?
Holding in of your breath?
Or the release of a harsh word?

This retreat will help you manage stress every day only to have it inspire, motivate, and fulfill you to be the best version of yourself. Click here to learn more. DeStressify_LearnMore


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