Archives for May 2014

Tumblr: anchor for the soul
Tumblr: anchor for the soul

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”
― Oscar Wilde

Happy Weekend Warriors!
See you in the GAP.
Peace. -davidji

MEDITATION AUDIO NOTE: If your browser is in Safari and you’re having difficulties with sound, please follow these steps and try again: go to Safari – PREFERENCES – ADVANCED – and un-check “Stop plugins to save power.”

It’s official! The Hay House World Summit is on!
CLICK HERE to register for FREE and/or upgrade for $7.
A portion of the proceeds will go directly to the Hay Foundation.
Feel good and share the love!

May 31 - June 9, 2014 Sign up now and get 6 BONUS videos!
May 31 – June 9, 2014
Sign up now and get 6 BONUS videos!
Tumblr: anchor for the soul
Tumblr: anchor for the soul

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”
― Oscar Wilde

Happy Weekend Warriors!
See you in the GAP.
Peace. -davidji

MEDITATION AUDIO NOTE: If your browser is in Safari and you’re having difficulties with sound, please follow these steps and try again: go to Safari – PREFERENCES – ADVANCED – and un-check “Stop plugins to save power.”

It’s official! The Hay House World Summit is on!
CLICK HERE to register for FREE and/or upgrade for $7.
A portion of the proceeds will go directly to the Hay Foundation.
Feel good and share the love!

May 31 - June 9, 2014 Sign up now and get 6 BONUS videos!
May 31 – June 9, 2014
Sign up now and get 6 BONUS videos!


“Whatever is happening, is the path to enlightenment.” – Pema Chodron

Mantra: Aham Brahmasmi

Happy Weekend Spiritual Warriors!

Enlightenment is awareness of your most divine self. Our divine self is who we were when we manifested our existence. In this meditation, you will go through your seven chakras and balance them to become enlightened and more connected to your divine self.
Thank you for going the extra mile and I’ll see you in the GAP!!! Peace. -davidji

Warrior community reminders:
And check out my Gaiam Inspiration TV interview – Meditation for a Modern World. You can sign up for the FREE 10-day trial and have a listen. Image also below…


Want to download this to your personal meditation library? Download it here.

Gaiam Inspirations: Meditation for a Modern World with davidji
Sign up for a FREE 10-day trial and tap in!

“Start with meditation, and things will go on growing in you — silence, serenity, blissfulness, sensitivity. And whatever comes out of meditation, try to bring it out in life. Share it, because everything shared grows fast.”

How do I get enlightened?

Hello spiritual warriors!! This week we dive into the answers of the most profound questions we could ever ask: What is enlightenment? and, how do I get there?

For thousands of years, people have used various techniques to bring their minds to a quieter state of being. Depending on where in the world they have lived and what their culture or society has encouraged, human beings have come up with an extraordinarily rich array of practices for going beyond the ordinary waking state to expanded states of consciousness. Depending on the culture and religious orientation, these ritualized practices include chanting, breathing, ecstatic dancing, healing touch, listening to music, making love, visual stimulation, aromatherapy, and even ruminating on the taste of chocolate. Each technique is specifically designed to move the mind from its current state of activity to one of present-moment witnessing awareness.

You have already experienced the phenomena of present-moment witnessing awareness many times throughout your life, but perhaps you didn’t even realize it. These are the moments when you are in the “still zone.” It’s that moment on a roller coaster when you are screaming at the top of your lungs as your body plunges downward to certain death—or when you are playing sports and every shot you take, every move you make, is the perfect one. It’s when you are giving that big presentation and rather than read some memorized script, you spontaneously seem to channel just the right words in an effortless flow. It’s when you spontaneously say or do the perfect thing at the exact perfect moment, cook the most brilliant meal as if you were a culinary genius, make passionate love . . . merging into your partner and surrendering to the bliss of an orgasm. It’s the experience of gardening in your backyard and feeling so immersed in the aroma of the soil, the vivid colors in each petal, the beauty of the moment, and the textures of the earth, plants, and flowers that time seems to stand still. And it’s the pure joy of laughing so hysterically your belly starts to spasm. These are all states of present-moment witnessing awareness, when we are not thinking for one moment about the past or reaching one second into the future.

When we experience present-moment awareness in a state of restful alertness, we are experiencing the same stillness zone we experience during deep meditation . . . pure unbounded consciousness . . . the realm of no thought, no sound, and no sensation. When you are in that space, you have essentially disconnected from all the things in your world that are in the realm of activity. In the language of many meditators, this is referred to as accessing the space between your thoughts—the gap—a space pregnant with pure potential and infinite possibilities.

When you have a consistent daily meditation practice, instead of only having sporadic tastes of the bliss of present-moment awareness, you begin to experience that bliss more and more in your everyday life. As you meditate regularly, a physiological shift occurs that grows deeper, stronger, and more profound with repetition. Like building any muscle in your body, meditation is a practice that transforms your entire physiology over time. This shift is subtle at first, and as the process of physical and emotional softening occurs, you begin to view life in new and expanded ways. Life takes on a different hue . . . a deeper meaning . . . a more universal understanding that pervades every cell of your being. The present-moment awareness you experience in meditation begins to flow throughout each thought, each conversation, each keystroke, and each breath.

In both ancient and modern writings on the experience of meditation, this change, shift, or transformation of awareness—this space of being—has been referred to by many names, including enlightenment, transcendence, awakening, satori, the aha! moment, Brahman, rapture, bliss, being in the gap, astral projection, connecting to source, turiya, remote viewing, witnessing awareness, bhagavan or brahmi chetana, cosmic consciousness, God or Christ consciousness, being in the moment, atma darshan (glimpsing the soul), oneness, unity, ananda, and samadhi.

And when you experience no activity within you or outside of yourself, you actually open yourself to realms of expanded consciousness and a greater depth of feeling that include higher levels of creativity, intuition, personal growth, compassion, subtle empowerment, forgiveness, and peace of mind. Whether this stillness lasts for a tenth of a second, ten seconds, or ten minutes is of no consequence. Touching stillness—even in the smallest of doses—allows you to connect to your unconditioned Self . . . to your source…to enlightenment!! Join me this week on Hay House Radio and we’ll dive deep into the process. And don’t forget to sign up for the Hay House World Summit right now! (it’s free).

Keep meditating. And I’ll see you in the gap! Peace. -davidji


Find  your stillness with me in Tulum, Mexico this November!
Find your stillness with me in Tulum, Mexico this November!


“Just as light brightens darkness,
discovering inner fulfillment can eliminate any disorder or discomfort.
This is truly the key to creating balance and harmony
in everything you do.”

– Deepak Chopra

Happy Weekend Spiritual Warriors!
Don’t forget to sign up for the upcoming (May 31 – June 9) Hay House World Summit! It’s a fantastic way to stay connected to the wisdom & tools of our favorite authors and new thought leaders. And it’s FREE!
Peace. -davidji

May 31 - June 9, 2014 Sign up now and get 6 BONUS videos!
May 31 – June 9, 2014
Sign up now and get 6 BONUS videos!


“Just as light brightens darkness,
discovering inner fulfillment can eliminate any disorder or discomfort.
This is truly the key to creating balance and harmony
in everything you do.”

– Deepak Chopra

Happy Weekend Spiritual Warriors!
Don’t forget to sign up for the upcoming (May 31 – June 9) Hay House World Summit! It’s a fantastic way to stay connected to the wisdom & tools of our favorite authors and new thought leaders. And it’s FREE!
Peace. -davidji

May 31 - June 9, 2014 Sign up now and get 6 BONUS videos!
May 31 – June 9, 2014
Sign up now and get 6 BONUS videos!


“Transform the world, by transforming yourself.” – davidji

Hello Spiritual Warriors!!! And welcome to another opportunity to explore & share the magnificence of timeless wisdom together. This week, we immerse into one of the oldest healing systems on the planet – Ayurveda – pronounced eye – yur – vey-dah.

Ayurveda, literally the “wisdom of life,” offers us a unique lens to view our life and how we individually express the universal components of existence.

According to Ayurveda, everything that flows within us and everything that flows outside of us is comprised of five master elements – space, air, fire, water, and earth. Notice how these elements flow from the lightest…the most subtle expression of life – (space) to the heaviest…the most dense – (earth). As the process moves from space to air to fire to water to earth – we see & feel the increase in form, shape, weight, and structure.

Ayurveda teaches us that everything in existence is a blend of these five master elements. So that means every person, every animal, every corner of the planet, every aspect of your daily life…has space, air, fire, water & earth inherent in its make-up.

This intermingling of all five elements determines the energetic flow in every moment…in every conversation…in every interaction…in every interpretation & in every expression. Some moments carry more space, while others are fiery, and others are earthy. By being mindful in each moment – and that comes from having a daily meditation practice – we can learn volumes about how & why we act the way we do, what elements are abundant or scarce in a given moment, and how to balance ourselves – bring us back to our natural state of balance.

For the past 12 years I have studied Ayurveda with some of the most brilliant teachers of this ancient wisdom, trained thousands in the Perfect Health LifeStyle methods, and most recently written my very first Ayurvedic opera – Journey to Infinity – a wild 2 hours of mantras, meditations, and transformational music featuring my dear friends & collaborators, the sound healing duo – SacredFire. This November in Tulum, we’ll perform an exclusive series of private evening concerts as we connect to the sweet magic of the Mayan Riviera in Mexico – so check it out & join us for a bucket-list week as we explore the 5 realms of your life, meditate together, practice yoga, and discover the ancient Mayan ruins in a magical setting. Our new album will be released in two weeks and you can pre-order and save $3 whether you buy the CD or download the mp3 version. Check out samples here!

Watch today’s video on Ayurveda to better understand the master elements and what they mean in your life; and join me this week on LIVE! from the SweetSpot on Hay House Radio and we’ll take it deeper (and take your calls).

In the meantime, don’t forget to register FOR FREE for the Hay House World Summit, which starts in just a few days. Keep it real, keep meditating, and I’ll see you in the gap!!! Peace. -davidji

September 4 - 7, 2014
September 4 – 7, 2014


“All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we create the world.”

Hello Spiritual Warriors! And welcome to another magnificent day on this planet!!!

This week we explore the timeless teachings of the ancient philosophies & wisdom traditions that have guided mankind for thousands of years. But even more profound, is the fact that we can apply this knowledge to our daily life and integrate it into our real-world, modern-day existence.

So let’s go way, way back to the Old Testament, the Book of Psalms which scholars say was written around 950 BC. Chapter 46; verse 10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God”

The Buddha was said t have lived around 500 BC and his teachings are in The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol. 1; Chapter 1 where it says, “all that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we create the world.”

Also around the 5th century, the ancient Hindu text, the Bhagavad Gita was written. Chapter 2; verse 48 says, “yogastha kuru karmani” (establish yourself in one-ness, and then perform action)

No one knows if Lao Tzu ever existed or if his name was just ascribed to a body of ancient teachings. These were crafted around the first century before Christ. But one of my favorite quotes is, “when I let go of who I am, I become who I might be.”

In the first hundred years after Jesus walked the earth , The New Testament was written. The Book of Matthew; Chapter 7; verse 7 says, “ Ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.”

The Islamic text, The Quran is said to have been revealed by God (Allah) to Mohammad through the angel Gabriel in the year 609. In chapter 24, Verse 22, it says. “let them forgive and overlook, do you not wish that Allah should forgive you? “

So many teachings from so many different sources have flowed to man & womankind over these thousands of years from so many other sources, cultures, and religions around the globe. And we get to choose the teaching that resonates with us – what stirs our hearts, and what awakens our soul.

Whatever wisdom sparks you, go there! Find what fills you with passion and translate it into your life. Select a saying from an ancient text and interpret it for your lifestyle, current situation, and flow it into your thoughts, your words, and your actions. There is no right, there is no wrong when it comes to these ancient teachings. There’s only connection at the deepest level. So find your source, meditate, connect to the stillness & silence that rests within and then breathe it every day for a week. Your life will awaken with grace & ease, your heart will open, your divine purpose will unfold, and your soul will soar.

Trust in the universe & trust in your Self. The best is yet to come. Listen to me this Thursday on Hay House Radio and we’ll take these teachings deeper. When we live this knowledge…that’s transformation! In the meantime, don’t forget to sign up right now for the Hay House World Summit, where Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Louise Hay, me, and 95 of your favorite teachers & authors will teach for ten straight days. It’s FREE!! So excuses begone! Sign up today!! My interview is on day 5 of the World Summit. I am really excited to share it with you. In the meantime, I’ll see you in the gap! Peace. -davidji

September 4 - 7, 2014
September 4 – 7, 2014
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