Archives for August 2013

Tantra is intimacy…intimacy with yourself, intimacy with your environment, intimacy with others, and intimacy with the divine…with the universe…with god.

Tantra is meditation – stillness…silence…one-ness – the sacred precious moment. But in this kooky swirl of life we can lose sight of it and drift into the past and the future spending our attention on all the distractions of life and not on the sweetness. This meditation is designed to give you 5, 10, 20 minutes of pure present moment – pure intimacy – a gentle safe pattern interrupt in the wild tsunami of life. Enjoy and see how tantra raises your vibration.

See you in the gap!!!! Peace. -d

Check out all of the events on my EUROPEAN TOUR!!!


Want to add this to your personal meditation library? Download it here. 


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Click image to check out the details and JOIN ME for this exciting online experience!

“Your task is not to seek love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” -Rumi

Hello and welcome to TANTRA!!

We may have heard many definitions of tantra and that is because over the past thousand years, it has many definitions. Tantra is most popularly understood as a divinely revealed body of teachings, explaining what is necessary and what is a hindrance in the practice of the worship of God; and also describing the specialized initiation and purification ceremonies that are the necessary prerequisites of Tantric practice

Tantra is neither a religion nor an ‘ism’. Tantra is a fundamental spiritual science and if there are spiritual practices associated with your spirituality – they are tantric. There are so many definitions, but according to the basic understanding of tantra, if you aspire for spiritual expansion…you are a tantric!!!

But there is an even deeper understanding that has been unfolded in the past 100 years by such masters as Gurdjieff, OSHO, Ram Dass, and the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. They reveal the irony that an important part of our understanding of spirituality is our need to explain it – explain what’s supposed to happen when we meditate. Explain what the gap feels like. Explain what an aha! moment is. Explain what happens when we experience one-ness.

Join me in LONDON!!!

But according to these philosophers, sages, and gurus, enlightenment cannot be explained in words. It can only be experienced. My teacher and dear friend David Simon would often relate a phrase, which the Maharishi would say to him. Whenever I would ask him one of those deep, soul questions about one-ness, he would giggle and reply in a sweet Indian accent, “feel the body.”

The premise was that the logical, rational mind can neither comprehend nor explain the magnificence of no-thing-ness. OSHO referred to tantra as a “total orgasm with the whole, with the universe…melting into the source of all being.”

In most recent times, tantra has been confused with free love – or ecstatic love-making. This has even been referred to as California Tantra which I discussed in detail in Secrets of Meditation. But that’s because tantra is about leaving your head and living from your heart.

davidji European Tour!

But having an orgasm with the universe is beyond love-making. It is beyond everything. And so the perfect starting point is to feel the body!

We know that we are not our thoughts. In fact we are learning that our mind does not really exist but rather it is simply a receiver of thought after thought after thought after thought – 60,000 to 80,000 a day. But through our bodies we can celebrate the magnificence of existence. We can awaken our senses (known in Sanskrit as the tanmatras) to receive the universe’s miracles. Our sense of sight allows us to drink in every visual moment without projecting what it means…from a golden sunset to a car belching smoke out of its tailpipe. Our sense of sound, allows us absorb vibrations without judging them as good or bad –from a crying baby to a purring cat. Our sense of smell allows us to receive the treasure of aroma from brownies in the oven to a musty closet. Our sense of taste allows us to merge with what we place in our mouth from tiny bubbles of champagne to a wooden toothpick. And our physical body allows us to receive soothing healing touch or a prick of a thorn.

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Click image to check out the details and JOIN ME for this exciting online event!!

It is in each interaction through our body that we can come back to the true one-ness of this existence. We spend so much time in our head thinking that sometimes we think we ARE our thoughts but they are simply visitors in our guest house of the mind and they only distract us from the sacred, precious moment where we experience the one-ness of existence.

Take some time today to RECEIVE through each of the five sense without any other thought or distraction trying to define the moment. In the simplest of physical interactions – gazing into another’s eyes until you become them, holding someone and merging into their BEing, listening to sounds of life with no judgment, witnessing an aroma as it wafts into your nostrils, allowing a piece of chocolate to dissolve on your tongue – we can feel the body and have a total orgasm with the universe. Why not start today? How do you know if it worked? Your experience will be beyond words and then you will know you have touched one-ness. Keep meditating and join me today on Hay House Radio. I’ll see you in the gap of TANTRA! Peace. -davidji


“Meditation is the way we realize the nature of the mind.”
– Lama Yeshe, Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Happy Meditating Warriors!



Would you like to experience one of my events in 2014?
Join me as we transform the world by transforming ourselves.

Set Your Course for 2014!
January 23-26

Masters of Wisdom and Meditation Teacher Training
March 17-23

Discovering Your Dharma
April 3-6

Secret’s of Meditation Healing Immersion
May 8-11


“The thing about meditation is: You become more and more you.” – David Lynch

What do you look like when you meditate? The traditional image of a meditator is someone sitting cross-legged with their eyes closed and their hands resting on their knees – their thumbs and index fingers touching to form a circle as they chant the sound OM.

That chanting of OM is what’s called the chanting of a mantra, which comes from two Sanskrit words: man, which means “mind,” and tra, which means “vehicle” or “instrument.” So your mantra is your mind vehicle . . . your mind instrument…a tool to transport your mind from a state of activity to one of stillness and silence.

We get the words “train,” “travel,” and “transportation” from the Sanskrit root tra. Most mantras are comprised of the 50 letters of the Sanskrit alphabet. Mantras can consist of a single letter, a syllable or string of syllables, a word, or a whole sentence.

Typically, most mantras are sounds, syllables, or vibrations that don’t necessarily have a meaning. Their value lies in the intention of the mantra and its vibrational quality, not in any meaning that humans, society, culture, or civilization has placed on them over the last few thousand years. For this reason, they go beyond the state of human existence on this planet. And they take you deeper, because they are vibrations that have existed since the dawn of creation.

The Hymn of the Universe

OM is the oldest mantra sacred to Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, yogis, and meditators. OM is considered the ultimate vibration, because it contains every vibration that has ever existed and every vibration that will ever exist. Just as white light contains all the colors of the spectrum, OM contains every sound in the vibrational spectrum—even those we can’t hear with our ears. One of the clearest visual representations of this is on the cover of Pink Floyd’s album Dark Side of the Moon. It shows the white light coming into a prism and all the colors of the spectrum coming out the other side. The same could be said for OM; it’s the white light of sound.

Historically, OM is first mentioned in the 12 verses of the ancient Vedic text the Mandukya Upanishads, which explains the three basic states of consciousness: waking, sleeping, and dreaming. In its original spelling and pronunciation, Aum (pronounced ahh-uhh-mmm) is a blending of those three states of consciousness into the oneness of three distinct syllables: A, U, and M. These three vibrations also represent the three stages of our known existence: birth, life, and death.

The vibration “A” (pronounced ahh, like the sound you make opening your mouth for the doctor) represents the waking state and the beginning of all things. Just as the letter A is the first letter of most every alphabet—the first letter of the Rig Veda, the Koran, Homer’s Odyssey, even the first word of the New Testament—the vibration A heralds creation . . . the beginning. Vedic sages refer to it as the A-kara, and it represents the realm of form and shape—the physical realm.

The vibration u (pronounced oo) is referred to as the U-kara and represents the dream state, the realm that is devoid of form or shape—the ethereal realms of air, water, fire, dreams—ever-changing aspects of the formless world around us.
The vibration m is known as the Ma-kara, which represents the state of deep sleep . . . neither form or formless like the other two realms but beyond shape or shapelessness . . . the realm of consciousness in hibernation, waiting to unfold.

In Sanskrit grammar, when the letters A and U are combined in writing, they are translated as the letter o. That is why we so often see OM written instead of Aum. Over thousands of years, the writing of Aum has taken a backseat to OM, and that has led to OM being the sound that is most often chanted by both Western students and teachers of yoga, meditation, and Vedanta. In much of India, where people have a greater familiarity with Sanskrit from daily prayer, the sound is still pronounced Aum.

When the three individual vibrations are combined, a fourth vibration is created, like a chord in music made up of individual notes. Aum (pronounced ahhh—uhhh—mmmm) represents the fourth state of consciousness—transcendent consciousness, or turiya . . . what we call enlightenment or oneness. In Hinduism, it’s the unity of the divine made up of its three components: Brahma—creation, Vishnu—preservation, and Shiva—destruction and rebirth. The chanting of the mantra OM heralds our universality, which is why we usually chant OM before and/or after meditation and yoga practice, and when we read sacred, ancient texts.

By repeating a vibration or sound over and over, it will become part of your physiology; it will become your mind; it will become you. It will lose all meaning, all definition, and all relevance. There will be no separation between you and the vibration that is resonating right now.

So whether you are following your breath or silently repeating a mantra, these objects of your attention will always drift you away from your thoughts, sounds in the environment, and sensations in your body. If you haven’t yet meditated today, feel free to bust out Om for a minute here and there. Just silently repeat it over and over and over. Or chant it out loud a few times when you are feeling operatic. By the end of the day, you will have a halo of Om rippling through every word, thought, and deed. And that will feel OMazing!

See you in the gap! -davidji


“This is your own time. This spot where you sit is your own spot. It is on this very spot and in this very moment that you can become enlightened. You don’t have to sit beneath a special tree in a distant land. Practice like this for a few months, and you will begin to know a profound and renewing delight.” -Thich Naht Hanh

Mantra: Om Dharma Namah


Today’s meditation will help you awaken greater clarity in unfolding your unique gifts and special talents. Then spend the rest of the weekend asking yourself, “How can I help?” “How can I heal?” “How can I serve others using my unique gifts and my special talents?”

Ruminate. Percolate. Marinate. Meditate. Reflect. Make a list. Go deep and keep asking…”How can I serve?” in each moment throughout the day.

Answers will begin to flow. Please let me help you. Share your process with me. Share this process with your friends and family. Get as many people involved in the journey as possible and you’ll start to feel the ripples of the convergence between what you love…and using it to help others.

Here are eight easy steps to awakening your dharma that I shared Wednesday on LIVE! from the SweetSpot on

1. Identify how you can help, heal, and serve others

2. Find your archetypes – who do you admire – who is doing work you admire – who inspires you – use these as guides to pattern or fashion your own dharma.

3. Meditate – spend time in silence – it’s where all creative answers incubate

4. Pay attention to the meaning of coincidences and synchronicities as they unfold in your life

5. Take chances – put yourself out there – BE BOLD

6. Plant intentions – keep visioning, keep dreaming, and invite those intentions into your heart. Plamn them there and remember to let them go because we need to let go of outcomes. (Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2, verse 47: we have total control of our actions and no control of the fruit of our actions. so let go of the fruit – the outcomes – and BE fully present.

7. Listen to the answers as they unfold in each moment. Be Present.

8. As long as there is light coming through the door keep knocking or pushing on it – once there is no light…look for another door.

As answers come to you, write them down. Make two lists and keep them going. On one list are the things you love and love to do. On the other list are the causes and people you root for and want to serve. I can’t wait to see what unfolds so stay in the energy of dharma this week and let the universe whisper the answers to you. And remember: meditate, meditate, meditate and your life will continue to blossom and bloom.

Click image to LEARN MORE and JOIN ME for this exciting online event!!
Click image to LEARN MORE and JOIN ME for this exciting online event!!

davidji 2014 events

Set Your Course for 2014!
January 22 – 26, 2014

Secrets of Meditation Teacher Training
March 16 – 23, 2014

Discover Your Dharma
April 2 – 6, 2014

Secrets of Meditation Healing Immersion
May 7 – 11, 2014

More details to come!

“It is better to strive in one’s own dharma than to succeed in the dharma of another. Nothing is ever lost in following one’s own dharma. But competition in another’s dharma breeds fear and insecurity.”
– Krishna from The Bhagavad Gita

Blessings sweet meditators!! This week we are diving deep into our dharma – the principle that elevates, stabilizes, and sustains the order of the universe.

Dharma allows us to express our unique gifts and special talents in the service of others – essentially to live a purpose-driven life. Imagine if we could spend this part of our life helping, healing, or serving others doing exactly the thing we love to do.

According to Vedanta, each of the eight billion people on the planet has a unique gift that they can contribute to the world at a given time. If we can identify our specific gift and then figure out how to express it to help others, then we are in dharma.

Every entity in the cosmos has its own specific dharma – every atom, every cell, every proton, every electron, every element, plant, rock, gust of wind and every Being. for your soul. LIVE 3p PST/6p EST…radio for your soul.

As you look around this week, realize that everything has a divine purpose…EVERYTHING. Your challenge is NOT to figure out every other person’s purpose – it’s simply to understand your own. Once you do that, you can begin to help, heal, and serve others using your divine gifts and your special talents…and ultimately do what you love. When you do this, you are expressing the very best version of yourself.

“If you had all the money and all the time in the world, what would you do?
– Deepak Chopra

So start by asking yourself, “What do I love to do?” “What – when I’m doing it – makes time stand still?” “What is the thing I was born to do?” And begin to make a list. Place everything on there that comes to mind.

Just put your attention on that. Stay tuned for this Friday’s Weekend Dharma Meditation and next week, we’ll explore part two of this conversation to truly identify your dharma. See you in the gap!! Peace. -d


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Click image to LEARN MORE and JOIN ME for this exciting online event!!

“Realize that everything connects to everything else.”
– Leonardo DaVinci

Mantra: Sankalpa

When we witness our choices and spend time in the unconditioned aspect of our Being, we make more conscious choices going forward. That’s why ending our guided meditations with a silent meditation is so powerful – because then we spend time in the unconditioned space between our thoughts where there is no activity…no sound…no music…only the magnificent silence that rests within. And it is in the silence that the seeds of our intentions become nourished, ultimately unfolding new, fresh, empowering shifts in how we express ourselves in the world.

Karma is action. And our actions flow from our thoughts. If our thoughts are coming from the divine, our actions will reflect this. Enjoy this weekend meditation on karmic reflection. Simply use this meditation every day for a week and you will make profoundly better decisions.

Peace. -davidji

Check out the new Secrets of Meditation online program being offered through Hay House!

Want to add this to your personal meditation library? Download it here. 

“Happiness is not something ready made. It is comes from your own actions.” -Dalai Lama

Hello fellow meditators! Welcome to August…and welcome to KARMA! Each week this month we will explore another dimension of our BEING. The flow this month is karma – dharma – mantra – tantra.

DHARMA represents our purpose in life – the reason for our existence.

MANTRA represents our connection to spirit and the tools we use to connect us to the present moment.

TANTRA represents the awakening to one-ness through our senses as we move through the world.

And we’ll go deep on each of these each week…but this week…it’s all KARMA. Karma represents our choices…the ones we celebrate…the ones we regret…the conditional and unconditional ones…the knee-jerk ones and the purposeful ones…the decisions that keep us up at night and those that allow us to rest our head on the pillow. Karma can be translated as action and is the culmination of all the actions we have taken through out our lives.

In the teachings of Vedanta, this includes the actions we’ve taken in past lives as well. Whether you believe in re-incarnation or not, doesn’t make karma real or not real – karma just is. And since we are living in this life right now, focusing on karma for a week will allow us to see all the actions we are taking right now – all the choices we make in each moment. Simply by placing our witnessing awareness on every interaction, email, text, phone call, and conversation…even the behaviors we exhibit to ourselves when we are alone allows us to view the consequences of our actions. It is in the reflecting on the many plates we are spinning…the juggling…on the decisions we made yesterday, this morning, this afternoon, and this evening…the call we chose not to make…the words we let slip out of our mouths…the chore we did or didn’t do…the food, location, and company we chose for each meal…the tone of our voice as we reacted to hearing unexpected information…the article we read…the video we watched…even the clothes we decided to wear today…and by observing who we show up as in each moment, that we can make more conscious choices. In the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Deepak Chopra shared the three ways we have of processing our karma.

1) We can pay our karmic debt as most people do…what we sow is what we reap.
2) We can transmute our karma…make lemonade out of lemons. Learn from our choices and make better ones that serve ourselves and others.
3) We can transcend our karma by meditating…bathing our mind in stillness and silence connecting to the timeless space between our thoughts…and in the process wash away the stains of the past.

Transmuting our karma allows us to step into our truth – altering the trajectory of misguided words and actions so we can make right those “wrong” decisions…and make better, loving, and more purposeful choices…the next time. We are never damned by the choices we’ve made if we are willing to look at them honestly and own them…take responsibility for our thoughts, our words, and our actions and commit to make better ones.

Don Miguel Ruiz teaches the agreement to ALWAYS DO OUR BEST. If we are willing to make this powerful agreement with ourselves, then there will be fewer opportunities to regret our choices and more opportunities to make evolutionary ones.

This week, let’s observe our thoughts, words, and deeds and upon deeper reflection, let’s awaken our best version of ourselves. Join me today on Hay House Radio and I’ll see you in the gap! Peace. -davidji

LIVE every Wednesday on 3p PST/6p EST CLICK IMAGE to listen NOW!
LIVE every Wednesday
3p PST/6p EST
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