Archives for February 2013


“None but ourselves can free our minds.”
― Bob Marley

Always Do Your Best – and Meditate
So here we are in week 4 of our immersion into the fusion of the Four Agreements & Secrets of Meditation. If you are already impeccable with your word, don’t take things personally, don’t make assumptions, and always do your best…well your life is pretty much perfect and the rest is easy…you just need to meditate. But these five practices are ongoing daily learnings. Each day, one of them will suddenly present itself to you as an opportunity to grow, to love, to expand your sense of self and the way you flow into the world.

I believe that if we start our day in stillness and silence then every thought, word, and action will come from a more unconditioned place. Meditation is the key…the core…the foundation of any spiritual practice because it allows us to step into the now with grace and ease. And then these other principles will unfold more organically.


Guided meditations can help you get a foothold – they can help you work through issues and challenges; they can help you understand how and why you do things; they can help you to get calmer and more relaxed…but once you have that…spending even five minutes DOing nothing will give you a starting point for true unfoldment.

The fourth agreement is ALWAYS DO YOUR BEST. This may seem easy on a first read…but then why would we have regrets or grievances with ourselves or judgments. It’s because we often say to ourselves “If only I had…” and that is where we get stuck in the quicksand of “woulda, coulda, shoulda.” That is why meditation is so important. It gives us a re-set…a re-boot of our internal operating system. It allows us to come from a space of pure, unconditioned, perfection (at least our most divine self as we express god through our words and deeds).

If we commit to always giving something our all, then there is little to regret after the fact. I did my best – I didn’t phone it in. I did my best – I didn’t speak sloppily or act casually. I did my best – I wasn’t lazy. I did my best – I gave it my all. I did my best – I demonstrated courage. I did my best – I learned from my mistake. I did my best – I let go of the outcome and now I will do my best on something else.

Showing up enthusiastically is 99% of all achievements. The other 1% is execution. Just like a heat-seeking missile that constantly corrects its path as it heads to its target and then makes micro-corrections every second so it can refine its trajectory – we have the same opportunity with each breath we take to show up…and then refine our execution. Each moment, dying to the past and showing up fully present to do our best. If we meditate, and connect with the principles that resonate with us, then our lives will continue to blossom and bloom. We are never stuck. We always have the opportunity to shift our lives from where they are to where we’d like them to be.

Join me today on Hay House Radio where we will go deep on ALWAYS DOING OUR BEST and we will connect with tens of thousands around the world to awaken our most divine self. If you’re looking for a jumpstart, visit my 40 free guided meditations on the Winter Feast for the Soul and please share them with those in your life so they can dip their toe into the magnificence of their own stillness.

In the meantime, let’s go deep; let’s celebrate four weeks of learning to master the four agreements; and let’s meditate together!!!! I’ll see you in the gap! Peace. -davidji



40 Day Feast Guided Meditations!
40 Day Feast Guided Meditations!


Here’s an excerpt from The Four Agreements – Don’t Make Assumptions.

“Taking action over and over again strengthens your will, nurtures the seed, and establishes a solid foundation for the new habit to grow. After many repetitions these new agreements will become second nature, and you will see how the magic of your word transforms you from a black magician into a white magician.

A white magician uses the word for creation, giving, sharing, and loving. By making this one agreement a habit, your whole life will be completely transformed.

When you transform your whole dream, magic just happens in your life. What you need comes to you easily because spirit moves freely through you. This is the mastery of intent, the mastery of the spirit, the mastery of love , the mastery of gratitude, and the mastery of life. This is the goal of the Toltec. This is the path to personal freedom.

– don Miguel Ruiz

This week has been a deep exploration of pattern interruptions and creative solutions. When our minds finish sentences & draw false conclusions, the ripple effects can create a staggeringly negative flow within our daily existence. If we give ourselves permission to find the courage to ask the questions, our needs are then being met – and we all know how good that feels…

Balance – check
Joy – check
Grace – check
Patience – check
Creativity – check
Fulfillment – Yes please…

Peace – davidji



And don’t forget…there are 40 FREE meditations waiting for you!

See you all in the GAP!
See you all in the GAP!


“Each one of us can be an oasis of peace.” – Desmond Tutu

Welcome to Week 3 in our fusion of don Miguel Ruiz’s Four Agreements & Secrets of Meditation!! We’ve gone deep into BEING IMPECCABLE with our word, not TAKING ANYTHING PERSONALLY, and now it’s time to embrace the third agreement: Don’t Make Assumptions!


Why do we assume? We assume because we are in constant interpretation mode. We guess what others are thinking; what they think about themselves – us – the world; we guess what their words mean to them.

What’s an assumption? We categorize everything in life into the known, the unknown, and the unknowable. Assuming is thinking that we know. We take things that are unknown or unknowable and we massage them until we think we know – Yet it’s only true for us…in our dream…our belief…our personal point of view.

When we assume how everyone thinks and why they did or said something, we turn our guesses into our facts – but these are just aspects of our own dream. It’s not actually TRUE – although we may convince ourselves that it’s true for us.

When you assume what’s in the head of your closest person – what they are thinking, and why, and what’s important, and what their fears, and hopes, and dreams are, and what their vision is and what lens they look through life with – that’s a lot of assuming. Most of us don’t even have a grip on those answers for ourselves. That leaves a lot of room for guessing wrong. And in that process you will most likely not meet your needs and most definitely not theirs.

Please join me and my VERY SPECIAL GUESTS, don Miguel Ruiz & don Miguel Ruiz Jr. TODAY on at 3p PST/6p EST


davidji & don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements
davidji & don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements

We assume that if people love us, they know what we are thinking – what we need and how we feel. David Simon used to refer to it as E.S.Peeing all over yourself! In Secrets of Meditation, I share the power of asking questions and then being still, so you can hear the answers. This practice is critical to a life of less stress and deeper fulfillment.

Why do we assume most of the time? Usually it’s because we are afraid to ask the “stupid” question. And yet that’s the answer that would allow the moment to flow more easily. Why do we assume? To fulfill our need to know and to replace the need to communicate. But communication is the thing that would move us closer to a shared truth. But we are shy, or ashamed or fearful of being perceived as not knowing the answer…we don’t have the courage in the moment, so we assume…and go deeper into our personal dream – reinforcing beliefs that have no foundation other than an assumption. The answer can be yes or no – but if you don’t ask, you have not exercised your own power in the situation.

This week, we have the opportunity to assume less, ask more, guess less, know more. And in that process, we will peel away some of the maya, the mitote, the illusion that separates us from each other and from
ourselves. We will gain clarity. Our hearts will open a bit more. We will connect at a deeper level to everyone and everything in our life. We will find ourselves being more impeccable with our words and actions. And, most importantly, we will connect to ourselves, awakening our own divine light. And through this step and the practice of sitting in stillness and silence with the universal flow, what is unknown will become the known. When you find yourself assuming (making up what’s in someone else’s head), remind your self “Even what I assume is only a fraction of the truth – the real story. Let me ask…and find out more so I can fill in some of the missing pieces.”

Practice asking yourself: “What am I not seeing?” And ask away. The universe will unfold with love and your life will continue to unfold with grace and ease.

Join me on Hay House Radio today and we will go deeper into locking down our ability to assume less and ask more. See you in the gap!! Peace. -davidji


NEW BOOK & EVENTS! Check out what these two amazing BEings are up to!


don Miguel Ruiz & don Miguel Ruiz Jr.
don Miguel Ruiz & don Miguel Ruiz Jr.

In San Diego, CA this weekend? Connect with don Miguel & don Miguel Jr. LIVE!
Here’s the link


“What you seek is seeking you.”
― Rumi

Last year I joined forces with the folks over at Winter Feast for the Soul – 40 days of FREE consecutive meditations! The feedback was INCREDIBLE and I enjoyed hearing from you so much that I decided to GO FOR IT again this year. These meditations come from the purest place within me…my heart center.

Today is day 32 of 40!

Tap in and make them personal!
Tap in and make them personal!

It is my hope that you meditate. It is my belief that we will change the world through meditation. It is my understanding that connecting to stillness and silence within allows each of us to live life with expanded awareness, deeper compassion, and greater fulfillment. It is my experience that time spent in stillness and silence can open your heart to the true depth of your universal essence. Accessing this depth of pure, unbounded consciousness on a regular basis has allowed me to see and feel the world with an ever-expanding openness, deeper emotional empathy, greater clarity, and a heightened connection to source. At this point in my life, I think this is a good thing.

Meditation has taught me that we are all masters of each moment. And effortlessly weaving this practice into every fiber of my being has given me the tools and techniques for living a life that is receptive to other perspectives, which offers me increased possibilities. I believe that anyone who is willing to embrace meditation can access these tools as well.

What does this have to do with not taking anything personally? It all starts from within. If we take the time each day to take ourselves out of that “object-referral” state and begin shifting our awareness towards “self-referral”, then we inch away from those moments of “taking things personally” – and carry a deeper understanding of what matters most is our dream – not their dream. When we come from this space, we truly are transforming the world by transforming ourselves.

So your choice this week – choose one or all of the meditations and make these creations personal…make them yours. These meditations are all FREE and downloadable, so drop them on your system and access at your leisure.

Enjoy and I’ll see you next week!

Peace – davidji


It’s not personal; it’s just someone else’s dream

“Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.”
– Don Miguel Ruiz

Yet day after day, we find ourselves taking things personally – comments people make, actions they take, and circumstances as they unfold.

We even take our own thoughts personally and direct anger, disappointment, and frustration inward at ourselves!!

When we take things personally, we are assuming that someone else is in your head – reading your mind and having full access to all of your perspectives and emotions. Yet, nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of themselves. All people live in their own dream, in their own mind; they are in a completely different world from the one you live in. Yet, somehow we assume that they know everything in your mind; every reason you have for your choices; every emotion, fear, and weakness. We think everyone and everything in the world is clairvoyant into our own personal world. But that’s not the case.

Be open to feedback and immune to criticism. If you don’t take things personally, you are automatically immune to others’ comments. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Immunity to emotional poison is the gift of the agreement to not take anything personally.


When you take things personally, you feel a constriction. Often our reaction to this constriction is to be defensive – to try to prove to ourselves that we are right. But what are you defending anyway?

What you say, what you do, and all the opinions you have are woven from the threads of all the agreements you’ve made with yourself during your self-domestication and over the course of your life. And just as these opinions have nothing to do with the people around you, others opinions have nothing to do with you!!!

So during this week, put some attention on reminding yourself that everyone is living their own personal dream. Just when you are about to take something personally, silently whisper: “They are in their dream and I am in mine. Nothing about it is really personal at all.”

Keep meditating. Keep practicing the 2nd agreement. And keep opening your heart. The love of the universe will flow right in. See you in the gap. Peace. -davidji





Impeccable with your word?

What does it mean to be impeccable with your word?

Well it all starts with an impeccable thought…but what’s impeccable anyway?
It’s defined as flawless, faultless, irreproachable – coming from the latin impeccabilis – meaning sinless.

In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali wrote that the very first step in the eight limbs of yoga is – ahimsa – non-violence. Over the years, I’ve shared many meditations on ahimsa and taught webinars to yoga students on the subject. Ahimsa is the cardinal rule of our existence – flowing through this world with non-violence. We have an obligation…a responsibility to step lovingly in the world. Every day, from the moment we awake, we touch hundreds of things…people, animals, plants, our sweet mother earth, the air we breathe, cars we drive, the ground we walk upon, the foods we eat, and even the liquids we pour into our system.

In addition to the teachings of Vedanta, these principles flow through the oldest and most revered wisdom traditions –Buddhism; Taoism; first nation and native American philosophies; including the Incan, Mayan, and Aboriginal basic understandings of life.

Walking through the world with an understanding of ahimsa offers you the opportunity to lead with love – to be aware of the footprint you make in each moment.

There are literally hundreds of opportunities each day for us to assess our impeccability with our interactions.

Just today – from this moment forward, ask this question in every interaction you have (including interacting with yourself):
• Are you adding value to the moment? Or taking it away?
• Are your words, thoughts, and deeds constructive or destructive?
• Is the universe better off for having your interaction?
• How would the person you most admire respond to your words, actions, and behaviors?
• As you move through the air around you, are you graceful and easy with your thoughts, the tone of your voice, your non-verbal communication, your gaze out into the world?

Are you doing NO- HARM?

If not? Don’t beat yourself up (that would be violent!). Give yourself a hug and choose non-violence in the next moment. You always have the chance to be peaceful and loving with your next words and your next actions – and it all starts with your next thought! So meditate…start from a place of peace and then flow it into the world and see how the day unfolds.

See you in the gap! Peace. -davidji

Listen to davidji’s AHIMSA Guided Meditation NOW!



So many of you have shared with me the powerful transformations that have begun to unfold in your lives from the New YOU for the New Year Manifestation Discovery Challenge. And because of your heart-opened expression, I have decided to keep the momentum moving forward. Each month, together we’ll continue to explore thought provoking weekly challenges.

Each week’s newsletter will be an infusion of my own awakenings along with the many teachings of masters that have influenced me personally – in essence, a weekly touchstone for us to continue our journey in finding the finest expression of ourselves in the world.

For the month of February, I thought I would introduce the powerful teachings of The Four Agreements written by don Miguel Ruiz. Each week, we’ll place our awareness on one of the four agreements and weave it gently into our daily living. This book has been a powerful tool for thousands of individuals – and for good reason…it holds the power of truth, wisdom, and practical application. These agreements work and I use them everyday.

Week 1 – Be Impeccable with Your Word
Week 2 – Don’t Take Anything Personally
Week 3 – Don’t Make Assumptions
Week 4 – Always Do Your Best

Let’s get started with a greater understanding of how we’ve come to be exactly where we are…

The quest of a Spiritual Warrior is for Personal Freedom. Personal Freedom means freedom from fear, illusions, and the fear based beliefs that the spiritual warrior within battles – the beliefs of the mind that are limiting, conditioned, and self-imposed. It is with Personal Freedom that we are free of the human condition of emotional suffering. MOKSHA – emotional liberation – is essentially living your life with an undercurrent of unconditional love, grace, ease, and greater appreciation and gratitude for yourself, and others.

The Four Agreements shares four simple truths to commit to and practice to create more love and happiness in your life. The process is transformational – ultimately evolving the way you think!! Yes think, speak (your vocabulary will shift), and act.

It sounds pretty profound but these four simple agreements are powerful change agents and require diligence in the early days of the practice. Sometimes it’s really tough because you feel like you’re going against everything you’ve ever been taught…but the results happen quickly and powerful shifts begin in your life at a rapid pace.


Don Miguel speaks about domestication – our personal Domestication.

He says that from the time we emerge from the womb, we begin making agreements – domesticating ourselves. We become defined by our agreements even when they are first time reactions. And we pay such close attention to everyone’s opinion in our world that we ultimately become the compendium of what everyone we value in our life would like us to be – or at least the areas where we faced greater rewards. This isn’t just your parents. Think about it for a bit – think of your childhood – the first fifteen years of your life as you figured out or tried to figure out – the most appropriate responses to parents, teachers, siblings, friends, relatives, girlfriends, religious leaders, even total strangers you were meeting for the very first time. There was no guidebook or owner’s manual…it was the influential people around you from whom you built most of your opinions, perceptions, and ideas about life. And your approved-of behaviors elicited the emotional and physical rewards of attention, affection, appreciation, or acceptance while your dis-approved of behaviors generated some sort of punishment like the removal or denial of attention, affection, appreciation, or acceptance.

Whatever they were – it is from this fabric that we were woven. We actually domesticated ourselves and as we grew, we engrained those responses over and over again to people and things that happened around us or to us…and from there, we wove the fabric of our ever-flowing personal dream. From every direction – parents, teachers, friends, siblings, strangers… we responded to their actions or their presence or even their existence and we projected our previous responses with like-kind responses until we are conditioned bundles of behaviors.

Due to all these agreements, We have bent and sculpted and massaged our very being to conform to all those people’s opinions and their reactions to us and that has become a powerful trajectory in who we have crafted ourselves to be – our styles, our vocabulary, our priorities in life, our personal codes of behavior, how we express ourselves, even our self definition including – our basic codes of behavior — things we say and don’t say; things we do and don’t do; and ways we see the world. And from here, we further defined ourselves into who we should and shouldn’t be; and who is being projected outward and inward — who we were, and who we were not.

Then we began living our life according to all these agreements based on the opinions of others. Living our lives each day based on these conditioned agreements, we began to see them as laws of nature or basic principles of life when in fact they were just agreements we made in our head based on interpretations and projections of how others would respond.

At a certain point the agreement became a basic LAW in your life – the way things were going to be and the way YOU would be. And you began to fashion yourself to comply with that agreement – right down to the selection of your hair color and the way you projected yourself into the world. This is your domestication. Subliminally making choices based on the opinions we learned from others rather than pure ones we would make from our core to awaken instead a life filled with unconditioned ease of expression.

Through years of conditioning, we don’t see the nuances in the evolution of the ways we express ourselves. Our words…our speech…our emotions…our physical body…our voice…our tone… even our attitude is so often automatic, habitual, kneejerk – we are blind to being the thing that everyone else experiences; but as they react to that being, and we react to them, we refine our agreements a bit more tightly. Do you see that this can be a path to inner constriction and UN-conscious behaviors?

Over the years our mind has filled with beliefs that generate a running parade of thoughts. In all that thinking there are many assumptions that we are not aware of. We even make the assumption that what we think is true. We imagine and assume what others think of us and how they will react. We also assume that the judgments and self-criticisms we have are true. We have learned to make so many assumptions that we aren’t aware of. These assumptions are not the truth. These assumptions and the faith we express in them is just one way that we are not impeccable with our word.

Through our domestication we have also learned to take things personally. We assume that other people’s opinions about us are valid and when those opinions don’t agree with ours we either dislike that person or change OUR own opinion. Their opinion becomes our belief about our self. We end up having an emotional reaction to our own belief because we assumed their opinion is true. We can also take personally our own opinions. Our own self-judgments are also simply assumptions. Even though we have made them up and they are not necessarily true, we make assumptions and take them personally. This is another example of our domestication.

This month, through our exploration of The Four Agreements, we can take this time to change the fabric of our life and shift us – in stages – to a life of greater peace, freedom, authenticity, and happiness.

So join in me in creating an opening within us to allow these new agreements to flow into the spider web of the millions of agreements that we’ve made to get us to this point in life. We’ll create that opening through weekly inspiration in it’s many forms; articles, videos, meditations, and live radio streams.

Let’s stay connected this week by being impeccable with our word.

Keep rockin it Spiritual Warriors and stay tuned for more to come!





JOIN ME for 40 days of FREE meditations!!
JOIN ME for 40 days of FREE meditations!!
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